That's Sweet

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      On a regular February morning, a young man stepped outside. The young blonde wore a red sweater and jeans as it was a bit chilly this morning. A medium-sized golden retriever ran out from the house and slammed into the back of the teen's legs.
      "Hey, Petunia." The teen bent down to scratch and pet the dog affectionately.
      Meanwhile, down the street, another teen walked out of his house, albeit less enthusiastic. This black haired teen wore a blue and red sweater with black leggings. The young man crossed his arms as he glared at the mailbox on the other side of the street.
      "Stupid dad making me get the mail and wake up early." The teen grumbled as he walked across the street. As the young emo boy got out his keys, he seemed to get the attention of Petunia. Petunia barked, and before the teens could do anything, the dog rushed the smaller man.
     The emo teen shrieked as Petunia hit the back of his legs. He almost threatened to fall as his legs gave out from sheer surprise and the weight of the dog. The dog's owner quickly came up behind the smaller teen to catch him.
    "Petunia, no! We don't hit unsuspecting pretty men in the back of the legs!" The tall blonde helped the emo to his feet. "I'm really sorry, beautiful mysterious boy, Petunia just gets really excited to meet new people."
     "It's fine. Wait, did you just call me a beautiful, mysterious boy?"
     "Well, I don't know your name, beautiful mysterious boy." The blonde reached up to scratch the back of his head.
    "Oh! Right, I'm Steven. Um, Steven Normora."
    "I'm Ethan, Ethan Shinner." The tall blonde sicks out his hand. "Put 'er there, partner."
      Steven snorts when Ethan makes his eyes go in different directions and sticks his tongue out. "Nice accent, where'd you get it from?"

     "My dad grew up in Texas with his parents that talked like that. I've lived in Michigan my whole life, but I've visited. Plenty of camping and all that, just me and my dad, though. We're really close, and he taught me everything I know about camping." Ethan stops as he realizes Steven is staring at him now. "I'm sorry for rambling."
      "Nah, I like that it's sweet."

To be continued.

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