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*warning, my confusing loud house AU lore. Lynn uses he/him and they/them pronouns. I'd say this is before Lynn world.*

Lynn woke up with a start, visions of their session with Harriet flashing through their mind. Lynn felt a presence watching him. While Lynn hoped to see his great, great aunt Angel, they didn't mind hearing a 13 month old Lucy. Little Lucy was standing in her crib, staring at Lynn. While their parents found the look disturbing, Lynn couldn't help but laugh.

"Whatcha' looking at me for? Just a bad dream, prescamo (dark sparkle). No need to worry about me." Lynn tried to reason with the one year old, but the baby was relentless as she turned her head to the side. Lynn sighed, this kid was going to be the death of them.

"Fine, ya got me kid," Lynn got up to get Lucy, "ya broke me." Lynn scooped up the baby and sat criss cross in the middle of the room. Lynn must admit, at first, he didn't like sharing a room with a literal baby. But to be honest, the kid wasn't bad. Lucy is spooky, but she manages to make Lynn chuckle. She really was his spark in the dark.

Lucy practically attacked them, grabbing Lynn's lips with her tiny baby hand, signaling the girl wanted a story. Lynn chuckled. "Of course, my prefue (tiny fire). I must feed you tales of our delmdorian heritage to keep your fire satiated."

Lynn got up to get his notebook but then heard a tiny voice say, "Ka-gine." Lynn wildly looked around, wondering if he heard correctly. 'Was that?' His eyes settled on Lucy.

"Was that you? Prescamo? But why would you call me that?"

Baby Lucy reached out to Lynn, "Kagine." She definitely said it this time.

Lynn dropped the notebook and gasped. He smiled brightly and picked up the baby. "Lucy, that's your first word!" He twirled them around. "Oh, prescamo. Am I your kagine? Your guardian?"
Lynn couldn't believe it. Lucy's first word, and it was them! Kagine. Lynn brought the baby to kiss her little face.

Lynn plopped them both down, quickly bringing the notebook closer. He opened it, "Can you say other things? I suppose I gotta give you more to say.." Lynn continues on for hours. Making new words for Lucy to learn.

                              The end.

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