Scenarios/incorrect quotets

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My first incorrect quote, this popped into my head while making Lynn world and it had to be scrapped until now. So basically this is a deleted scene.

Lisa walks into the room with her kart, "I have come to-oh your crying... I'll just go wait outside.."

Lori just stared in confusion while Lynn glared at where Lisa stood before. When Lucy cleaned herself and stopped crying Lisa came back in. Lisa robotically walked in and stopped in front of Lucy. Lisa gave her a broken smile as she grabbed her portable kit and pulled a syringe out of it. Lisa coughed to clear her throat and said in a transylvanian accent, "I vant to take your blood."

Lori stared at her, "Get out," Lori said as she pointed toward the door.

Lisa sighed, "I'm sorry, I thought it would lighten the mood."

Lynn spoke up, "Well, it didn't, so get out!"

The end

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