Lucy slips in the snow

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Lucy sighed as she walked through the winter wonderland with Haiku. Recently the town froze over; the snow will stay at least a week. Lucy decided to vent to her friend while she had the time. "Haiku, my friend, I've been stuck inside for a while now. I think I might have gone a bit crazy." Lucy went on a tangent and explained the whole experience to her friend.

In the distance we see a familiar jock speeding in a race with Margo. "Heheh, you can't keep up." Lynn taunts her friend as she indeed takes the lead.

Margo rolls her eyes. "In your dreams, Loud." Margo shoots back as she passes Lynn up.

Lynn laughs. "Oh ho ho, so that's how it's gonna be." Lynn managed to run even faster to the next light post, the finish line.

Everything was a blur as the two girls ran. Lynn won, and gloated about it. Lynn laughed as she did a victory dance. Lynn looked around and saw Lucy and decided to run to her. "I'm gonna say hi to Lucy." Lynn yelled behind her to Margo.

Lucy and Haiku were still talking as Lynn ran up. Lynn was actually running so fast that she accidentally trips Lucy.

Lucy lets out a monotone yelp as she fell in slow motion. But Lucy never hit the snow cuz Lynn caught her by the jacket. Lucy shuttered as she hovered inches above the ground. Lynn pulled her up on her feet. Lucy brushed herself off but looked up to see Lynn staring.

Lynn suddenly speaks. "Are you ok?" She asked.

Lucy looked at Lynn. "Yeah, I'm alright. Thank you, Lynn."

"Oh, good." Lynn awkwardly responded.

Haiku leaned toward Lucy to talk. "Is this what you were talking about?" Haiku gestured at Lynn as she spoke.

Lucy shrugged. "It's a part of it." Lucy responded. "Social ineptness, all of us." Lucy continued.

The end. Ha, Lucy slipped.

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