You spin my head right round

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Lucy didn't know how she got herself into this situation but all she wanted to do was hang out with her siblings

You see, yesterday there was a sibling meeting. They were discussing their online presence and naturally it turned into a fight over who was the most popular. Suddenly Lucy's YouTube and tik tok was brought up by Luan. "Lucy's famous, she has a billion subscribers and followers." Luan unknowingly doomed her.

All her sibling's eyes turned to her as she froze. "I-i uhh," Lucy stammered, not knowing what to say.

Lola nodded at her, "That's so cool."

Leni spoke up, "We should totes collab, Lucy."

Then everyone started asking Lucy to feature them in a video at once. Lucy managed to pull herself together to speak. "Guys, you can all be in a video on my channel. at a time."

All the siblings cheered. Leni got an idea and pulled something out, "I got some ideas to totes make my video the best."

"My video will literally be better."

"No, mine will!"

"I have the formula for the perfect video."

While then rest of the siblings fought, Lucy stood watching the chaos and just walked out.

The next day, Lucy woke up and Lynn wasn't there. It is Saturday so maybe Lynn got up early to do sports. Lucy shrugged it off and got ready for the day. When Lucy stepped out of her room she was tackled by the twins.

"Lola, Lana, what are you doing?!"

"It's time to do the video." The twins spoke in perfect unison. Before Lucy could protest, the twins dragged her to their room.

Lucy was sat in a toy chair at the table Lola used for tea parties. Guess I'm doing this today. Lana set up the camera while Lola got ready. "It's going live in 3, 2, 1." Lana pointed at Lucy to start her into.

"Hello my dark sparkles, it's your favorite duchess, Lucy. I'm here with my sisters, Lana and Lola. They have a mystery segment for us, I don't know what it is."

Lola fake laughed like she said something funny and plopped in a chair to Lucy's left. "Actually our segment is about-"



Lola and Lana said at the same time. They silently glared at each other. Lucy glanced at the camera then between Lana and Lola.

Cut to Lola and Lana throwing things at each other while Lucy hides under the table.

Suddenly, Lori bursts in the door and scoops up Lucy, "I'm taking this." Lori ran to her own room and locked the door with Lucy in her arms. Lori set Lucy down on her bed and set up a tripod.

Lucy looked around to see the rest of the room a mess while the bed was clean. She looked and found Leni still in the room. Leni waved at her from her bed, Lucy waved back. Lucy turned her attention back to Lori, who was still trying to get the tripod set up to work. "I-um. Thanks..for getting me out of there. I thought I'd get put in an early grave by some cross-fire if the twins continued."

Lori stopped trying to get the set up to work or a second to reply, "You don't have to thank me cuz having me in one of your videos is enough. Which we're doing now. Okay?"


Lori sighed happily as she finally got her phone propped up and set to timer to finally record. Lucy simply waited to do her intro this time since she could see the timer. "Hello my dark sparkles, it's your favorite YouTuber, Lucy. I'm here with Lori who prepared her own bit.

Lori nodded as she brought out her golf clubs but was interrupted by banging on the door.

"Dude! We know Lucy's in there, you can't just hog her. We want to do our collabs too!" Luna spoke as she and Luan tried to burst down the door.

"We literally aren't done yet. We just started." Lori yelled back to keep them at bay.

"Too late, we got Lynn now."

"S**t," Lori stated.

Lynn was about to burst down the door but Leni interrupted her. "Wait, instead of you busting the door down and drag Lucy off, how about you let me take a quick photo with her for instapick and I could just push her out the door for you?"


Leni snagged a photo with Lucy and picked up Lucy and plopped her outside the door.

"What's with everyone picking me up?" Lucy looked up to see Lynn, Luna, and Luan staring at her like a piece of meat. Lynn wordlessly picked up Lucy and threw the girl over her shoulder.

"Hey!" Luna and Luan yelled as they tackled Lynn. The three started fighting, pulling Lucy in too. Lincoln walked in to see the chaos and Lucy in the center of it.

"Guys, we can be rational about this. Put Lucy down!" Lincoln yelled as Lynn was about to use Lucy as a weapon on Luan.

The three grumbled as they all pulled apart. Lincoln sighed, "You know, you could just discuss a time to collab."

"Oh.." The three spoke in unison at their realization.

Later on, after Lucy had proper collabs with the others, it was finally time for Lynn's video. Lynn was in Lucy's videos often so of course the others decided the most popular video is deemed the  winner. Lynn wanted to be a winner so she spent a lot of time searching for a good video idea and decided on something on tik tok. One of their fans made a gacha life video of Lynn and Lucy spinning to the song "right round" Lynn thought it was a great idea to recreate it in real life.

It was the next day already and Lynn woke up Lucy to do the video early morning, the only problem was that it was now late afternoon.

Lynn and Lucy have been filming for hours and it was starting to get to Lucy. At first it was just Lynn telling her what to do and how she messed up but apparently she wasn't good enough for Lynn.

"Look at the camera!" Lynn demanded.

"Stop moving your head!" Lynn commended.

"Balance yourself!" Lynn coached her.

"No breaks!" Lynn warned.

Lucy groaned, she was sure if they continue like this then she'd pass out on the grass. "Lynn, can we take a break? I feel dehydrated and dizzy, I need something to eat." Lucy pleaded with Lynn but was met with a frown.

Lynn growled and grabbed Lucy's hands and got in her face. "You don't need a break, just suck it up! I will win this! It's just another take you crybaby! You keep flipping your head around like a weirdo for Christ's sake! JUST STOP IT!" Lynn breathed heavily.

"Why are you yelling at me?" Lucy practically whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Lynn softened but before she could apologize they heard a cough behind them. The older sisters, Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan, saw all that happened.

Lucy hyperventilated at seeing them cuz she didn't want Lynn to get in trouble. Lucy shook her head, "D-don't punish Lynn." Lucy dropped to her hands and knees and puked in the grass. Once she was done collapsed next to her throw-up.

All the sisters gave Lynn unapologetic looks.

To be continued

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