Lucy and Gracie

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Lucy and Gracie were sitting on Lucy's bed, laughing. They were both had messy hair and no shoes. It was early morning after the sleepover and Lucy and Gracie were the first ones awake. They decided to tell jokes to pass the time. Lucy snickered, "Say it again, Gracie."

"Ok, ok, why was the squirrel sad walking out of the nutcracker?" Gracie tried not to laugh as she prepared to tell the punchline.

"Why was he sad, Gracie?" Lucy asked, trying not to laugh as well.

"Because, he was disappointed he brought a bag of walnuts for 'nuttin'!" Lucy and Gracie burst into laughter.

"That's the best joke ever," Lucy calmed her giggles for a moment to look at Gracie. The blonde was smiling back at her, she practically sparked in the early morning sunlight. She still had bed head and Lucy thought she was quite beautiful.

Somehow, the girl's hands had found each other because when Lucy looked down she saw that they were interwoven. Lucy and Gracie looked between each other and their interlocked hands. Neither of them pulled away, both of them sported blushes.

Lucy cleared her throat and pulled her hand away. She lowered her head as Gracie did the same. They laughed it off and went about their day, unaffected. Little did they know, Lynn saw them hold hands. She did nothing about their laughter and dismissal though she wished they'd just be happy together.

The end. Till next time.

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