It Starts Again

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I tried to be a hero

But now I've restarted to zero

In the end, it starts again

I've ventured into dark worlds

I've watched enemies' plans unfurl

But in the end, it starts again

Like it never happened, like nothing has been done

Like nothing's ever changed, resetting everyone

Friends I've gained, happy ends I've tried to make

But it's all regressed back to the first day

Does it even matter, is all I did for naught?

Living whole lives that everyone forgot

Roaring titans and the angel's heaven

Nothing lasts, leaves an impression

Here we go again, back to the starting line

Live with memories pretending it's all fine

Restart the cycle, returning to the start

Another life not owning my own heart

The Door Flew Open, In He RanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang