Mysterious Song

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We got the band together and we played ourselves a song

We stuck together for a while but it wasn't all that long

But the song we played was heard from all around

And everyone wondered bout the source of that sound

What's that mysterious song

To what band does it belong

What's that mysterious song

Will the truth ever come along

They asked around but no one ever knew

They asked everyone but no one had a clue

They waited and hoped that the song would be found

And then its mystery became world renowned

What's that mysterious song

To what band does it belong

What's that mysterious song

Will the truth ever come along

Then one day I heard people asking

And that day came the song's unmasking

Facts we gave and proof we did show

From that day on everyone would know

What's that mysterious song

To what band does it belong

What's that mysterious song

Will the truth ever come along

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