Slydell Be Slippin' (Tophiachu Diss)

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Tophia be trippin', slidin' and slippin'

Everything she do, she end up missing

She got nasty mouth, she got nasty teeth

She got nasty heart, she morbid obese

Can't get near her, can't stand the smell

Got no money, lives in a motel

She don't know how to handle her money

Don't pay the bills, spend it frivolously

Talks all day bout her strange family

While her stank everybody can see

Doesn't work, only begs for money

Cause she was fired cause she don't brush her teeth

Watches cp of young asian teens

Fantasizing bout actions obscene

All while she sinks into the abyss

Smelling like mountain dew, b.o., and piss

Chronic online, don't have a life

Spends all her time begging on live

Don't have a job, don't have a home

Aside from family, always alone

A father who scams, a mother who coughs

All while the smell, upward it wafts

Gotta be racist, saying a slur

Hating herself, if you prefer

Why do that, why hate what you are?

Why you gotta be so bizarre?

Tophia be trippin', Slydell be slippin'

Mountain dew sippin', hygiene be skippin'

Payments be missin', her teeth be chippin'

When she see this, tables be flippin'

Abuses her dog, abuses her cat

All while thinking that she's all that

Tofupa be trippin', slidin' and slippin'

Never achieves what she always wishin'

Got gingivitis, she got the beetus

Addicted to food, maybe she teach us

Someone will always fail harder

Not if she was smarter

Never succeed, she always failin'

Always ailin', never prevailin'

She smell like the turd that she is

She got no money, she got no rizz

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