Hard To Destroy

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Most dangerous SCP

Child of the Scarlet King

That's me

Hater of all life

Bringer of pain and strife

That's me

I'm 682

And I will kill you

I'm who you should avoid

Cause I'm hard to destroy

Trapped in an acid vault

All my plans brought to a halt

For now

But there will be a day

When the Foundation I'll slay

I vow

I'm 682

And I will kill you

I'm who you should avoid

Cause I'm hard to destroy

Sculptures and shy guys

Old men who will not die

Fear me

That's why they keep me trapped

My destruction to enact


I'm 682

And I will kill you

I'm who you should avoid

Cause I'm hard to destroy

The Door Flew Open, In He RanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora