My Own Design

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I'm tired of this world

With all its flaws unfurled

Wish there was something I could do

Some way to make it up to you

I'm powerless in this state

Determining my life to break

I think that I have seen it all

But pride cometh before a fall

Perhaps there is another way

A way to see just one more day

If it's there then it I'll find

Or make it of my own design

I think I've found it

From the roof I'll shout it

It's the only thing I can do

Only I'll save all of you

I'll burn down this wretched world

And thus expose its good, its pearl

They think that they can fix it all

But pride cometh before a fall

Know that I've found the only way

The way to see the rest of days

I found it cause I'm divine

It's wholly of my own design

Why don't you bow down

Give me the crown

Don't you know I'm the best around

Don't lie, drop this facade

Worship me, I am your god

Know that I've found the only way

The way to see the rest of days

I found it cause I'm divine

It's wholly of my own design

The Door Flew Open, In He RanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt