Chapter : 4 💞

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On the other side Arjun was also trying to sleep but he can't able to stop thinking about that girl (Meera). Then he went to the balcony to feel fresh. And after spending some time he fall asleep.
Next Day :
   It's Saturday and it's the weekend so no office for today.  Arjun decided to go out in a mall or in a cafe to relax his mind. He got ready and came downstairs to have breakfast. Then he called Murli
(his servant) and said
   "Listen I'm going outside so take care of the house and don't prepare lunch for me I will eat something there."  "Ok sir, don't worry I will manage everything" Raghu replied.

  Then Raghu (his driver) came who was absent one day before and because of him he had to go office from Metro.  After watching him Arjun got angry on him " If you are not coming then inform one day before. You know what I had to go from the Metro"  Arjun yelled on Raghu "Sorry sir, It was an emergency. I will take care from next time." Raghu replied in slow voice. "It's your last warning if the same mistake happen again I will kick you out" Arjun warn him
  "No sir I will not repeat that mistake again" Raghu replied and leave from there.

   On the other side Meera was having breakfast and her phone rang. Oh! Prerna she said to herself. She answered the call
   "Hi Prerna how are you? " she asked on call "I'm absolutely fine Meera what about you? " Prerna replied  " I'm also good. How did you call in early morning is everything ok? " Meera said in tensed voice "Yeah! I just call you to remind about my birthday. Get ready till 2 p.m. and reach at Farzi Cafe. I want to give a small treat to all my friends. Don't make any excuses ok! Will meet you tomorrow bye..."  Prerna disconnected the call without even listening Meera's reply.
It's 3 p.m. and Arjun was leaving then Raghu (his driver) came " It's ok, I will drive today you can take leave" Arjun said to him and without listening to Raghu's reply he started the car and went from there.

   Meera left her home for the market with Radhika.  Radhika told her to buy something from the Mall. They reached the Mall. They were about to enter, a tall guy in black shirt with folded sleeves was walking in front of them. Radhika didn't see his face but from his personality she muttered in Meera's ear "See didi, how handsome is he"   Meera got shocked after listening to her words. "Shh... Shut up" She replied. That guy heard their conversation. He also wants to know who those girls are. He turned back slightly and when he saw Meera he hesitated a little. Because that guy is none other than Arjun.
       To be continued......
               Thanks for reading ❤✨

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