Chapter 25

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Blair's P.O.V.~

"I don't wanna put that on." I say in reference to the hoodie Damon was holding up for me to wear. It was tattered with cigarette burns and smelled like them too. He had seemed worried about guys looking at me but that's all they can do. Look. "Girls wear things like this to workout all the time. Men will just have to learn self-control."

"If anyone even looks at you the wrong way, I might lose it." He huffs, throwing the jacket in his backseat before exiting the car to open my door for me. Damon grasped my hand tightly as we walked towards the entrance of the building.

The sweaty heat inside was a big contrast from the chill of the winter air. Hence why I chose this outfit in the first place. My eyes scanned the area. Just like I had mentioned there were a few other females in there even more exposed than I was. Wearing booty-shorts and crop tops while they ran on treadmills. I didn't see any of the men bothering them. Everyone's here to exercise. Why was Damon so nervous about me-

"Damon! How nice of you to finally show up! Woah, now who's this foxy lady?"

A muscular man, possibly in his thirties, with blonde hair and blue eyes had approached the front desk where we currently stood and was now eyeing me up and down shamelessly, lips pulled into a seductive smirk. My hand that was engulfed in Damon's was being squeezed tighter.

"I'm-" I went to introduce myself before I was cut off.

"She's with me." Damon answered, his voice almost a growl as he slung his heavy arm over my shoulders. My gaze shifted to see his jaw clenched and his eyes angrily pinned on the guy. "Gonna watch me train today. Now if you'll excuse us-"

Rather rudely, Damon began guiding me away from the man I never got the name of and towards the back of the gym.

As we walked, peoples heads turned to look. Though I couldn't tell if it was me or the pissed off Damon they were staring at.

"You may want to reconsider wearing the sweatshirt..." He pleaded in my ear. I sighed. If he was going to be this bothered the whole time, I'll sacrifice my own comfort for his.

Nodding, Damon's lips pulled into a relieved smile. I was glad to see his smile again. He stripped off his Nike hoodie for me, pulling it over my head for me. I giggled at the fact he was dressing me in his clothes. It was big and smelled just like him. Warm too but I didn't seem to mind as much as I thought I would.

Once covered, my hand was taken in his again while we walked over to an enormous boxing ring far from the lobby. Another guy was already sitting in there, wrapping his hands in white tape. His head rose at our presence, standing up to greet us.

"Todd, right?" Damon asked, leaning on the ropes of the ring to firmly shake the mans hand. "I'm Damon, I'll be helping you train today."

Todd releases Damons hand to shake mine. I felt myself become slightly wary to do so, not knowing whether Damon would go back into protective mode for me simply shaking his hand but I still did anyhow. The tape making his hands feel stiff in mine.

"You training too?" Todd questioned me while Damon bent beneath the ropes to enter the ring, ignoring the interaction to my surprise. I shook my head, "Oh uhm, I don't work here."

"You don't have to work here to learn something." He smiled, one corner of his mouth curved higher. "Take off your shoes and come on in. You can sit and watch me beat up your boyfriend."

I felt a swirl in the pit of my stomach, biting back a grin. It was the first time someone considered Damon to be my boyfriend. I didn't get to correct him. He had already been getting ready to spar with my boyfriend.

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