Chapter 9

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Blair's P.O.V.~

"How about I take you out?" A spark of excitement in his eye when he asks.
As tempting as it was to say yes to Damon, I didn't agree right away. I was still unsure of how I actually felt about Damons company and whether or not I should actually trust this stranger.
"I want to get to know you better." He admits, bringing his large hand to cover my smaller one. "Who is Blair Thompson?"

The simple question actually was hard to answer. I'm still on my journey through self-discovery. If you were to ask about my interests, beliefs, or desires, I assume I can give straight answers. But how do you know who you really are? Not who you used to or who you may be pretending to be?

"I wouldn't be opposed to grabbing some breakfast while you ask me your questions." My stomach grumbling for something more than coffee. Damon nods, smiling joyously in approval.
"I just need to get ready." My current attire wasn't something I'd want to be seen wearing in public. Burning heat rose to my face, only now noticing that I had been in a sweatshirt and panties this entire time. Thankfully, the hoodie was long enough to be considered a dress.  "I'll be back down in a minute."

When I stood from the chair I was sure to pull at the hem of the shirt, hoping my cheeky zebra print underwear wasn't on show for Damon to see. I continued to fist the end of the fabric as I jogged up the stairs to my bedroom in search of an outfit to wear.

Skimming through the occupied hangers in my closet, I decided on a navy green kitted sweater and a pair of faded jeans. Not wanting to take too much time on hair and cosmetics, I swooped my messy locks into a loose bun and decided against makeup. I was confident enough. After all, I don't need it to go grab breakfast.

Less than 5 minutes passed and I was back downstairs to meet Damon. My presence was made known when I jumped from the second to last stair to the bottom of the steps, landing with a small thud. Honestly I'll admit it, I am a bit excited to be spending the day with him. Getting to know each other better isn't a terrible idea. Although I was skeptical, he has a way of intimidating me and I'm not sure if he does it purposely. Either way it's kind of hot... Lastly, I slipped on a jacket and my pair of knee-high boots that were at the end on the staircase.

"I'm ready!" I smiled and did a little turn in a circle. A bashful grin played my lips as Damon whistled lowly at me.

"Wow, that was the fastest I've ever seen a girl get ready." Damon says almost astonished. Most females take 20 minutes just to find what they're going to wear, another 30-45 minutes more on makeup, and god-forbid they end up not liking the look of the outcome. It can take hours. I won't lie. I have those days too. Though, I wouldn't consider myself that high maintenance. Mostly I was more eager to be spending bonding time with the mysterious Damon.

He held open the door for me which I proceeded to lock behind us. I took notice that Damon wasn't chauffeuring in the familiar taxi cab, but drove here in a silver pick-up. This man has two cars and I have yet to own my first.

His legs took longer strides to beat me to the passenger door and swing it open for me. The height difference from the ground to the seat was going to make it difficult for me to scoot in. Before I even attempted, a firm grasp on my waist caused me to squeak. Damon effortlessly lifted me into the truck. I mumbled a quiet "thank you" whilst biting the skin on my bottom lip. He sent me a wink before shutting my door and making it to the the drivers. I watched his long fingers twist the key into the ignition, the engine roaring to life and also making me jump a little bit.

"Now, let's get something to eat. I'm starving!" Damon chirps, pressing his foot on the gas.

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