Chapter 10

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Damon's P.O.V.~

I shifted the car into park, unclipping my seatbelt and getting out of the truck. I decided to take her to a local diner. The menu here has a wide variety of dishes, Blair will be bound to find something appealing to her taste. I'm not even sure what would be considered to be her taste. Making my way to the opposite side of the vehicle, I held the door open for the small brown haired girl.

Her breath audibly hitched when I reached across her, unbuckling her from the seat. My large hands engulfed her much smaller ones in mine as she used me as support to hop out from the car. I only now came to realize how truly petite she was. The top of her head only meeting the center of my chest. I took notice of her child-sized feet when checkered vans met the pavement. Why does she have to be so adorable?

Adorable and hot. My subconscious countered, thoughts traveling back to when I saw her in only a bra and underwear. Just the thought of her naked figure is enough to-

"I'm totally going to get pancakes." Blair's cheery voice snapped me out of my inappropriate mind. "What are you going to get?" she asked, smiling up at me as I had to look down at her.

"I was thinking an omelette. With some bacon or sausage. Maybe add home fries and toast. Yeah, that actually sounds really good right now." My mouth watered thinking of all the savory food. Blair nods in agreement, her short legs trying to keep in stride with mine. Failing when I sped to open the restaurant door for her before she could. She thanked me with a smile playing her lips and I responded by sending her a wink. A younger boy in his late teens sat at the host booth but didn't seem to acknowledge the arriving customers in front of him. Or maybe he did notice us, but he was spaced out with his mouth slightly gaped looking at Blair.

Blair took note of this, waving a hand in front of the boys face until he regained his focus and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Oh, yes. Hi. Sorry. Um, how may I help you?"

"Table for two, please." I answered with a hint of annoyance to my voice. Blair instantly picked up on it, quietly snickering beside me. My patience began wearing thin when his stare was still directed towards beaut Blair standing next to me. Clearly ogling over her in some trance. It took restraint not to knee-ball him.

"Hey kid, my eyes are over here. Can you sit us or not?" Finally snapping at him instead. The change of response made me smirk; watching the adolescent boys face drop as he practically scrambled to finally seat us.

"Jeez, the kid needs to go jerk off in the bathroom or something." I muttered under my breath in annoyance whilst being led to our table. Blair covers her laughs behind a small hand. The sight made me lighten up. "He's definitely going through the whole puberty thing, I honestly can't blame him for staring at you. I'd drool too." Though if he'd said anything perverted or tried to touch her, I would've lost my temper.

Her big brown doe eyes become even wider, "Please.. Men don't look at me that way. He probably zoned out or something." Does she not realize the beauty she has and the power the comes with it? The power that she currently is holding over me?

"You're so used to your appearance, you don't see how beautiful you are to a stranger." My features soften with the sincerity I was giving her. The flush in her cheeks still evident as she avoids meeting my gaze and shakes her head in denial.

"Yes you are, could you just take a damn moment and embrace yourself?You're beautiful, Blair. Always have been. Always will be."


Blair's P.O.V.~

Butterflies ruptured from their cocoons and flapped their wings round and around in my belly. Against my utter denial, Damon continues to compliment my beauty and strongly urges me to believe it. All I could do is bashfully avoid eye contact and tell him he's wrong.

Eventually, I regained focus when a busty waitress came to take our order. Her name tag read Delilah. I took notice that she took creativity into her own hands by fashioning her work uniform into something more revealing. Her full bust practically spilling out from her top while she leaned over the table seductively to take Damon's order. Completely ignoring my attendance. It was only then I realized that Damon's eyes were solely glued to me, I wondered how long he had been staring at me like that. Without looking at the hostess or even the menu, he placed both of our orders and waved the lady away from the table, rather rudely may I add. As she walked away from us I heard her scoff and mutter unpleasant words under her breath.

"Well that wasn't very polite, you didn't even look at her when you spoke to her." I tutted at him in a disapproving way. Though actually, I was glad that he hadn't paid her any mind. She was obviously trying too hard.

"I'm too busy looking at you."
His comment paints my cheeks crimson red and my chest tighten. I adverted my eyes away from his burning stare.

"You're so cute when you blush." A smirk plays his lips in the most attractive- almost taunting- way.

Damon's additional comment didn't help. Hiding my face in my hands, heat radiates off my cheeks and onto my palms. Long eyelashes tickle my fingers as I peep at Damon through the gaps between them.

Certainly he knows exactly how these compliments make me feel. Sitting in front of him, it's like i'm an open book. Evidence wearing my face like boldly applied makeup.

"Didn't we come here to get to know each other?" My quick statement interrupts him from embarrassing me further. Damon scoffs a chuckle before leaning back into the booth seat.
He bowed his head seemingly in thought.

"Y'know I don't think I ever wanted to know so much about someone before." Damon sheepishly admits, frosty blue eyes training onto me again. "Sitting here with you, I can't help but want to know every single thing about you. I want to know your dreams, your fears, inspirations... But I also want to know all the little things that don't even matter. Like, if you sleep with socks on." 

Truthfully, I find myself wanting to know all these things and more about Damon as well. A giggle escapes me as I shook my head, telling him I don't prefer wearing socks to bed. Somehow it made it hard to sleep. Even if I ended up passing out with them on, I'd wake up without. Or with one missing. He agreed, saying it's the same way for him.

Damon continued to ask me questions which he returned with an answer of his own. Surprisingly, we had more in common than I originally expected. Sharing a lot of favorites; both of our favorite color is blue and agreed Autumn was the best season. When asked what his favorite food was he couldn't decided and said cereal because it could be eaten as breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack. Fish is gross and we'll never find each other eating it. The Office is a show that neither of us could never get bored of. Surprisingly, he's seen it more times than I have. He says he owns all the DVD's, including the super-fan episodes. We were flabbergasted to find that our birthdays were only a few days apart, his before mine. Damons falling on June 18th and mine the 22nd. It was also funny how both of our middle names happened to be our parents names; Elizabeth after my mother and his being Joseph after his father. Damon spoke about how he had dressed up as a vampire for Halloween multiple years straight, then telling me after that it's his favorite holiday. I told him that I still dress up. Last year I made Charlie wear one of my dresses and pantyhose while I transformed into a 50 year old man. Damon made me promise to show him photos of that.

While continuing to banter, our plates of food were placed before us. I didn't even realize what I had ordered because Damon had chose for me. When a stack of pancakes were placed in front of me, I grinned from ear to ear. He remembered.

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