Chapter 11

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Blair's P.O.V.~

Damon and I picked food from eachothers plates. He insisted I tried some of his omelette which I returned with offering him some of my pancakes. Never had I tried ketchup with my eggs. When Damon urged me to at least try it, I hesitantly did so. Suprisingly it wasn't disgusting. It might just become a new thing for me.

Delilah had come back to our table to leave the check without sparing a glance. Although on our bill, she had scribbled her phone number in a last attempt to earn Damons consideration. After a small argument of allowing me to pay my share, he had left the money and the receipt with her handwriting on the table.

Wind whips around us while we make our way towards the car. Both of our footsteps being left in the snowy sludge and I giggle to myself at the drastic size difference in the prints. Then deciding to tiptoe in his gaps making my own seemingly disappear. My actions cause me to fall behind whilst Damon is nearly at the vehicle. He ends up taking notice when he opens the passenger door and I'm not there. I'm no longer looking at the back of his figure walking away when he halts. Light eyes finally meeting mine, watching me carefully following his example.

"What are you doing, little foot?" His eyebrows and lips lift in amusement, letting out laugh that causes me to giggle in response. Damon's laughter is a beautiful sound. I continued to follow the trail he left behind for me, up to where he stood waiting for me.

Damon repeated his actions from earlier; bringing me into the seat by my hips. Not without tickling my sides playfully before he sat me down in the passenger and fastening the seatbelt across my torso.

"Would I be able to take you somewhere else? I don't want you leaving me just yet." Damon asks while getting into the drivers side. The fact he wants to spend more time with me made me flush. Everything he does seems to, I couldn't understand it. Smiling, I nod my head not even asking where.

I'm eternally grateful for Damon's car.
The vehicle heating up only after a few minutes and I stretch my hands in front of the air vents to warm them.
Damon's hand reached out also, pressing a button and then bringing them back to the steering wheel.
Suddenly, I felt my bum being toasted.

"Heated seats." I noted at the realization while Damon grinned at me sinking deeper into the warmth of the leather chair. "And," He grabs my hand bringing it to the wheel that I expected to be cold only to feel that it wasn't. "Heated steering wheel."

"Fancy." I hummed, my hand still engulfed in his and touching the wheel. Shyly, I pull away and bring my hands under my thighs. "Definitely going to be a feature I want in my new car."

"When will you be getting this new car?" Damon asks, the car slowing down as he presses the brakes for a red light.

"Not sure, honestly." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Charlie has been against me getting one. I haven't even gone to look."

"We can go look together, if you want." He smiles, "Until then I guess I'll have to be your chauffeur." My cheeks heat for what seems to be the millionth time thinking of being in Damon's car again. I wouldn't mind him driving me around if I didn't feel like I owed him something for it, and I didn't have much to offer.

The traffic light turns green and the car goes back into motion. Ten maybe fifteen minutes pass before we stopped again and the engine is cut off.

"Where are we?" I finally asked our destination, taking in our environment to find a frozen creek surrounded by bared trees with a wooden walkway leading to the water. If I didn't have an ounce of trust for Damon, I would've been a tad worried. Is this where I'll be murdered?

"Used to come here to clear my head. Sometimes swim. I actually have an embarrassing skinny dipping story with my bitch of an ex-girlfriend here." Damon chuckles at the memory that I'm bound to press him about.

"So you took me to one of your hook up spots?" My eyes widened and cheeks unintentionally turning red again as I attempt to scold him. Damon shakes his head disapprovingly.

"No, Blair. My bedroom is my hook up spot." He states nonchalantly with a signature smirk playing his lips.
"Don't be disappointed now, love. I'm sure you've had quite a few lads in your bed." Blushing fiercely now, I turn my burning face away from Damon's, not wanting him to say another word. I've never had a boyfriend before. I've never been touched before. Hell, I've never even been kissed before.

"What was that?"

Did I just say that out loud?

"Blair, did you just tell me you've never been kissed before?" 

My throat goes dry as I sheepishly look back to Damon, shifting in the seat that was turning cold. "No, I haven't."

Expecting him to be looking at me in disbelief or laughing even, he doesn't.
"Oh, Blair..." Damon's larynx visibly bobs in his throat, "Sweet, pure, innocent, Blair." Those ocean blue eyes seemingly darker while he looks at me in an almost predatory way. He brings his palm to the side of my head, brushing the long strands of hair from my face behind my ear.

 He brings his palm to the side of my head, brushing the long strands of hair from my face behind my ear

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"I've got to change that."

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