Chapter 15

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Blair's P.O.V.~

"Let me teach you, then."

Damon looked up at me with his baby blues, expectingly waiting for an answer to his proposition. I felt like a deer in headlights mounted on top of him. When I failed to respond, my hips surely did, jerking then relaxing at the feel of Damons hands rubbing over my thighs. Slowly raising higher to my waist.

"Is this okay?" He whispered, his digits tracing over where my top had risen up above my love handles. The exposed skin erupting in goosebumps at the simple touch. I nodded whilst exhaling a shaky breath I didn't realize I was holding. Damon stared deeply into my eyes, looking for any trace of doubt. When he couldn't find none, a satisfied smirk tugged at his lips.

"First step: Get close."

Using his grip on my sides to guide me closer, he pulled me in until our chests collided. My forehead fell against his, our hot breaths fanning over each other. Anxiety coursing through my veins as his orbs continued to bore into mine.

"Step two: close your eyes."

As much as I didn't want to look away, I listened to his words. My eyes fluttered closed, heart pounding against my ribcage in anticipation. I swear I can hear my own pulse. Could he hear that? Could he feel that?

With loss of one of my senses, all I could do was feel. Damon placed a hand underneath my chin, thumbing over my lips. Causing them to instinctively part. My breathing instantly became heavier, being more audible than the disregarded movie playing in the background.

"Kiss me, Blair."

And I did.

Our lips met, moving together in sync and it's so sweet. So effortlessly sweet. His lips are softer than anything I've ever known. Anything I could have imagined. Like a snowflake, or biting into cotton candy, or floating weightlessly in a body of water.

My entire world constricted at the touch of his lips. Everything beyond them, beyond him, had disappeared.

In a daze, my eyes hesitantly blinked open to meet his. My hair framed the both of us like a curtain as our foreheads rested against another, both of us struggling to catch air.

"Blair..." There is a plea in his voice, in his eyes. Was the kiss bad? Does he want me to back away? Did he regret it?

All my worries evaporated once he kissed me again. This time stronger, desperate, like he has to have me. As if he's dying to memorize the feel of my lips against his own. The taste of him is divine; he's all heat, desire and red wine. I've got a taste, now I wanted more.

A small shriek fumbled out of me as Damon gathered me against him, unexpectedly rolling us over sideways on the couch. His body sprawled over me, legs scissoring together. His mouth worked with mine almost roughly, contrasting from our first kiss. It became hard to breathe yet we couldn't stop.

"You're so-" Damon murmured between kisses. His voice humming into my mouth, "Intoxicating."

I couldn't stop from smiling against his lips. The praise giving me a small confidence boost. My fingers raked and tangled messily into his hair, softly tugging at the roots. Legs spreading so he can be between them and be closer to me.

"Dammit, Blair." Damon groaned breathlessly, shaking his head at me. His hair sticking out in different directions and I'm to blame.
"Do you know what you're doing to me?" I gazed up at him innocently. An apology was going to be the next words out of my mouth, but only a loud gasp fell from my lips; for I was unprepared for what came next. Damon's hips digging into mine as he forcefully rubbed his protuberant bulge against me.

"How is it that no one has fucked you?" He hissed at the contact, wetting his lips with his tongue before chomping down on it. "I can barely look at you without getting turned on."
I could feel his hardened length through both of our jeans, and he was directly pressed to my front. My thighs attempted to clench shut but Damon's body was pinned between. Holding them open.

A foreign feeling began pooling in my area. I've never been treated like this before. Never been spoken to like that before and he was well aware that. This kissing lesson was not about to become sex education. Not today.

"D-Damon, stop." I gushed as he swiveled into me again, sending an ache in my core that I had to deny.
He withdrew from me, leaving me panting. Knowing if this continued, we might as well be a heap on the floor. Not to Damon's dismay though.

"I'm sorry. I got carried away." He spoke guiltily from beside me now, bowing his head like a child in trouble. Our session must've been quite a while, seeing the credits to The Notebook rolling on the television screen. Neither of us bothered to pause it before.

Damon's eyes flashed to mine to see if I had any negative reaction to what just occurred. Honestly, my brain was too clouded at the moment to even put together that maybe Damon just took advantage of me. He did stop when I asked.

My fingers brush over my swollen lips. I can still feel him. I could still taste him.

"I just had my first kiss." I finally spoke, grinning foolishly. Regardless of Damon pushing some limitations, I didn't regret anything we had just done. When the time was right, or if it ever did come- I'm sure Damon is the only guy I'd trust to be intimate with.

Amusement flickered across his features as he smirked down at my blushing, smiley face. "Was it how you imagined?" His hand cupping my calf, allowing me to stretch my legs over his lap. I nodded timidly.



I felt it all.

"You sure that I was your first? The way you kissed me felt like you had prior experience." He teased, gradually skimming his fingers over my knees. A bashful glow wore my appearance. Surprised and proud of myself for being a good kisser. "Only you." I giggled in response.

Damon squeezed my thigh, his large palm basically taking up the whole width as his eyes held mine more intensely. More serious.

"Only me."

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