Chapter 20. A Shimmering Blue Light

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Ann lay on the pavement, unsure of how much time had passed. Marci lay nearby, her hand resting on Ann's chest. Her fingers moved, supporting an invisible barrier around their faces to shield them from the smoke and dust that filled the air. Much like Theo, Marci could create a protective shell using her Gift.

In the distance, sirens wailed, their sound echoing through the street. Marci rose to her feet. Ann followed suit, her eyes taking in the scene before her. The road was now covered in a layer of black ashes, transforming the landscape into something surreal. Ann raised her palm, and a single ash particle landed on her skin, resembling a lifeless snowflake. But unlike a snowflake, it didn't melt on her palm. It simply lay there, causing her heart to ache.

"We need to leave," Marci said, gently patting Ann's back.

"Where should we go?"

"To help them," Marci replied, pointing towards the smoking ruins of the building. "There might be people trapped in there."

They walked in silence amidst the ruins, the weight of the tragedy hanging heavy in the air. The stillness around them felt eerie, as if time itself had frozen, paralyzed by the magnitude of the devastation. As Ann stepped on a charred plank, a weak moan escaped from beneath it, causing her heart to race. Startled, she jumped back.

"There!" Ann shouted, pointing towards a pile of bricks.

Marci nodded in understanding and raised her hands. With swift and determined movements, they managed to free a young woman from under the rubble. She was a strikingly beautiful woman, with brown-toned skin and almond-shaped eyes. Her voice came out hoarse as she asked, "What happened?"

"The building had collapsed. But you're going to be alright," Ann said, attempting to soothe her shock. She wished she had some water to offer the woman, but she could at least try to provide some assistance.

Ann gently wrapped her arm around the woman's shoulder and guided her towards a street corner. Hopefully, the rescue team would be able to attend to her there. As the wind chased away the smoke, Ann noticed two silhouettes standing under the streetlamp. She decided to approach them.

The woman coughed as they walked, her voice strained. "There shouldn't be too many people still trapped in there. Most were evacuating, but I insisted that the young couple go first." She stumbled as they reached their destination. "Here they are!"

Ann's gaze shifted to two figures standing nearby. It was hard to believe, but there stood her friend Charlie. Elliana was beside him, but as soon as she spotted Ann, she rushed forward and they embraced tightly.

"I thought I would never see you again!" Ann whispered, relief flooding through her.

"I know. You made the right decision to leave the building -"

"Where is Theo?" Ann interrupted.

Elliana's eyes dropped, and a heavy silence hung in the air. Ann's heart sank as she braced herself to ask the question she feared the answer to.

Charlie stepped closer, concern etched on his face. "Where is Marci?"

"She's helping out," Ann replied, her voice tinged with worry. "But where is Theo?"

"I thought he had managed to escape," Charlie said, glancing at Elliana. "Right?"

Elliana shook her head. "I can sense him, but our connection is weakening. He's trapped and running out of air to breathe."

Ann was on the verge of shaking Elliana to demand that her angel do something. But instead, she stood frozen, her mind swirling with the words Elliana had spoken to her when they were chained in the basement. "We do our best to guide and protect people. But sometimes, people come to intersections where they face grave danger. And they choose to face it despite all our warnings." Unfortunately, Theo often chose to risk his life to save others.

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