Chapter 4. Dimensions

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This was the weirdest carriage trip Theo had ever experienced. He was relieved by his boss' absence, but the presence of the young woman with wings sitting before him made him fuss on the seat. Wrapped only in his jacket around her body, she threw curious glances at him.

"Is anything wrong?" she asked. Now that her hands were free from cuffs, she seemed more animated, and her voice became melodic, like the song of crystal bells.

"Nope," Theo lied. "Everything is just awesome."

She narrowed her pretty sky-colored eyes. "I sense sarcasm."

He gave her a suspicious look. "So, you fell from the sky and are familiar with the definition of sarcasm?"

She chuckled. "How else do you think we can observe everything humans do to each other? Only good old sarcasm helps us stay away from gloom."

"Well, I suppose that's true," he agreed. "In that case, I'll speak openly."


"You see, the colonel thought we had some sort of connection, so he suggested... he ordered, I mean... that you stay at my place until we decide what to do about you. I couldn't object to his order."

"I hope I won't become a nuisance to your girlfriend."

He blinked in disbelief. "Wha...?! How do you know I have a girlfriend? Are you a mind-reader?"

She gave him a soft smile. "No, silly. I just know about you and Ann. I'm a guardian angel, so I know everything you two are going through."

"Even about... last night?" His ears blushed, but he had to clarify this sensitive topic.

She nodded. "I'm sorry you couldn't wake her up last night. But she needed rest more than she realized."

"Okay... So, you are Ann's guardian angel, then."

"You're a good detective," her eyes gleamed. "Has anyone ever told you that?"

Theo eyed her curiously as she confirmed his guess. "It explains why you know so many details about our life and your resemblance to Ann. But honestly, it feels like an intrusion into my personal life."

"It's nothing to worry about," she assured him. "We all obey a Divine code and respect your privacy. We can only observe up to a certain point. Then we leave the scene."

"Can you lie to me?"

The angel's face became serious. "No, I can't lie to you, Theo."

Is that another lie? Theo wondered. He still wasn't sure if he could trust her. But he had no other choice but to believe her now. After all, she was just lost in their realm, and Theo had signed up to help her. So, it was reasonable to focus on his mission at hand and clarify everything else later. "You mentioned there was a distortion in the sky. Do you think Ann might have caused it? Using her Gift?"

"This was exactly what she did," the angel confirmed. "And it was something extraordinary!"

"It's because she is extraordinary," he said, his tone tinged with sadness. Perhaps it was because his first night with Ann never happened, and now he couldn't predict when they would have a chance to be alone. But dwelling on another missed opportunity to spend the night with the woman he loved was foolish. He needed to address the angel situation first.

The carriage came to a stop, and Theo moved the window curtain to look at his yard. The house, his new home that once belonged to his best friend, stood silently, with rose bushes flanking the spacious porch. However, there were now two men in black uniforms guarding the entrance. They were likely there to protect his home from potential intruders or bothersome paparazzi, as the colonel had warned him.

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