Chapter 15. A New Day

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In the morning light, Theo propped himself up on his elbow, his gaze fixed on Ann as she peacefully slept. Her golden curls were tousled, and the soft rays of sunshine gently illuminated her face. It was impossible to fathom that he had almost lost her willingly to another man.

From now on, he vowed to himself, I'll fight for us. No matter what lies ahead.

Her eyelashes fluttered, and Ann's pretty blue eyes opened. A smile graced her lips, causing his heart to flutter. "Morning," she greeted him.

"Morning, sunshine," he replied, leaning in to kiss her forehead. "I hope you slept well."

"Better than ever," she chuckled. "Gee, I had no idea it could be this good. Can we make love every day?"

He chuckled in response. "We can make love every day and every night if you wish."

She grinned mischievously. "I can clear my afternoons too. I don't think I really need lunch."

"Hey, I need to eat!" he protested, laughing. "I need energy to satisfy your appetites."

Ann moved closer, pressing her bare chest against his. "Okay, but what about a little delay for breakfast?"

He gently caressed her cheek, reveling in the softness of her body against his. It felt as if her curves were perfectly molded to fit his muscles. She was like a goddess, sculpted in a divine studio, made especially for him. But he knew he couldn't take advantage of her. "I know you might not like it, but you really need to give yourself time to heal. It was your first time."

She rolled her eyes. "And how long am I supposed to wait?"

"I would say about a week."

She gasped, clearly dissatisfied with his response. Sensing her mood, Theo quickly kissed her cheek and slipped out of bed. "I'll make breakfast for us," he announced as he pulled on his pants. "I have your favorite peach jam, and I've heard it goes well with toast."

Her interest seemed to be piqued, and Ann responded in a cheerful voice, "Sounds delicious."

* * * * *

Captain Thompson was running late, leaving Theo waiting in the corridor outside his office. It was unusual for the captain to be tardy, but Theo welcomed the extra time to gather his thoughts before facing the man who often put him in a sour mood.

Turning to the window, Theo caught sight of his own reflection. Gee, I had no idea I was wearing such a silly grin! The thought brought a chuckle to his throat. It was the first time in their relationship that he felt truly content.

He no longer was anxious about being with Ann and helping her navigate this vast and unwelcoming city. Their conversation the previous night had melted away all his worries, leaving him with a newfound confidence that they would be alright. No matter what lay ahead, they could rely on each other.

Footsteps approached, and Theo recognized his boss by the distinct smell of tobacco. He turned and nodded in greeting. "Morning, Captain."

Captain Thompson grinned. "Morning. How is your girlfriend doing? I hope she's well."

Theo stared at him in surprise. "Yes, she's fine. But... how do you know she's home? I didn't tell anyone -"

"You didn't need to," the captain interrupted, wincing ever so slightly. "It's all written on your face. When she was abducted, I contacted the Colonel to check on you, and he mentioned that you looked like a ghost of yourself. But now, you're glowing."

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