Chapter 13. Time is Ticking

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Theo rushed into the basement, navigating through the thick curtain of mist. With his protective shield securely in place, he could breathe without any risk. The rest of his team remained outside. Unlike Theo, they were unwilling to succumb to the drowsiness that awaited them. Approaching the basement window, Theo spotted a heavy pipe lying on the floor. He picked it up. With a forceful throw, he shattered the window into countless shards.

Observing the fumes escaping the room, he scanned his surroundings. "Annie?!" he called out, his voice echoing through the dissipating mist. As the haze slowly evaporated, Theo cautiously made his way towards the distant columns, hoping for a clearer view. To his dismay, he discovered two sets of abandoned chains strewn across the floor. A single white feather lay nearby, a telltale sign that Elliana had been present. But now, both women were nowhere to be found.

Kneeling down, Theo gingerly picked up the feather, his heart shattering into countless pieces. Since his discharge from the hospital earlier that day, he had tirelessly searched for them. And once again, he had failed.

* * * * *

Two hours earlier

Theo stepped out of the student cafe onto the deserted porch. In the aftermath of the attack, the guardians had cordoned off the crime scene with a yellow ribbon, causing a crowd of students to gather behind it, their eyes fixed on him.

The cafe owner, a middle-aged man, hurried over to Theo. "Sir, was it the final inspection?"

Theo's expression turned solemn. "I'm afraid -"

"Please, don't tell me there's been another delay!" the man interrupted, gesturing towards the impatient crowd. "I have a group of hungry students waiting to be fed! This is the only affordable place for them in this area, now that their studies are over."

Theo scanned the restless crowd. Young individuals shuffled their feet in impatience, clutching massive study books in their hands. If only I didn't make that foolish mistake, Annie would be among them right now.

"Sir?" The cafe owner's voice brought him back to reality.

Theo shifted his gaze towards the cafe owner, acknowledging the truth in his words. He couldn't afford to make the students wait any longer. The delay was solely his fault. While Theo had been confined to the hospital, his team had thoroughly searched the cafe, only to find no traces or clues. It was evident that the perpetrators were skilled professionals, adept at using complex spells to erase any magical evidence. Additionally, they had likely employed a Hiding spell to shield Ann and Elliana, rendering any Searching spells useless on their personal belongings. Despite double-checking everything, Theo had to face the painful reality - there was nothing more he could do. The realization was agonizing.

"Of course, you can reopen your cafe," Theo replied, his voice heavy with sadness. "Let these guys eat already."

The cafe owner paused, his bright gray eyes studying Theo intently. "They mentioned that two girls were taken."

"That's correct," Theo confirmed. "And both of them are in grave danger. I wish there was at least one witness I could speak to!"

"Everyone inside fell asleep," the cafe owner said. "But there was someone outside. I didn't see that young man after I woke up -"

"A man?" Theo interrupted, his memory suddenly triggered. It was Ann's new acquaintance, the one who had agreed to give them some privacy to talk earlier that morning. Given the early hour, the streets were deserted, and no one would have assumed there were any witnesses to the crime. Could he be involved? Did he assist the criminals in kidnapping Ann? Theo couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about that guy. Why did he choose to flee instead of staying to assist the guardians as a witness?

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