Chapter 14. All in Your Hands

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"You did everything to lose me," Ann said, her voice trembling as she withdrew her hands from his. She despised feeling so vulnerable in front of him. After Theo had ended their relationship, she couldn't allow him to believe that forgiveness would come easily.

His eyes filled with pain. "But you came here -"

"I didn't," she clarified. "That gang... They brought me here after they had taken what they wanted from Elliana. I woke up in this house, and I started the fireplace. Then you arrived."

Theo regarded her with concern. "Did they treat you well?"

She shrugged. "It's nothing compared to your morning performance. But it did add some stress, yes."

He rose to his feet. "I'll make you some calming tea. We can talk in the morning once you've had a chance to recover."

"Seriously?!" Ann leaped up from the sofa. "I slept through the entire day because of that damn mist! If you mention resting or relaxing one more time, I swear I'll leave this place and never speak to you again!"

He swallowed hard. "Okay, okay... I hear you."

"Good." She breathed out. "Now, to the point. The men who abducted us... I caught a glimpse of one of them, and he was wearing guardian boots with thick soles. I suspect he obtained them illegally."

"That's an excellent observation," Theo admitted, a smile tugging at his lips.

"I'm glad you noticed," she replied in a plain tone. "I didn't see his face, though. He had a mask on. But I could tell he's an intense tobacco smoker."

He nodded. "Very well. Anything else?"

"No, just that. I hope it will help you in your investigation."

"It certainly will," he agreed. "We have an archive on criminals. I can ask my team to check the inventory records for the boots. I'm confident we can find something."

"Perfect." It was reassuring to know that Theo was personally invested in solving this case. Without a doubt, he would do everything in his power to help bring Elliana back.

"Did you see anyone else?" he asked, his voice dropping. "Because they abducted another woman along with you."

Ann regarded him with pity. After everything they went through, Theo was still withholding information about this 'woman.' However, she couldn't afford to tiptoe around him any longer. "I met Elliana in the basement where they held us captive. From what I gathered, she is a guardian angel. And she mentioned that you were merely her protector."

"Oh." His gaze dropped. "I'm deeply sorry for what happened at the cafe. I -"

"It's not important now," Ann cut off the conversation before it became too emotional. "What matters is that we need to save Elliana."

"Right," he nodded in agreement. "Do you have any idea what happened to her?"

"Those criminals forced her to sign a contract in exchange for my freedom," Ann explained. "From what I understood, she is now obligated to perform in public."

Theo looked perplexed. "Perform? How?"

Ann shrugged. "I assume they want her to convey messages they desire, most likely to manipulate the crowds."

"But for what purpose?"

"You should be asking yourself what kind of people require such influence." Ann shook her head in frustration. "Elliana warned us that these guys are too dangerous to handle, and she advised us to stay away from them. But I refuse to let them use her like some circus pet!"

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