Chapter 19. Show Must Go On

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20 minutes prior to building collapse

Theo watched as Ann and Marci exited through the main exit. Once they disappeared from view, he let out a sigh of relief and took a sip from his punch glass. He chewed on the paper straw, finding it helped him focus. Now that the girls were safe, he could brainstorm on rescuing Elliana. However, the problem was that she was currently on stage, performing. Her absence would surely be noticed. He needed to create a significant distraction for the public in order to reach her. Additionally, there were six guards surrounding the area, and he would have to deal with them as well.

"Okay," Charlie said, breaking Theo's train of thought. "What's going on?"

Theo gave him a weary look. Right, I also need to find a way to get rid of Charlie. Even though he didn't particularly like the guy, he was Ann's close friend for some reason, and Theo had to ensure his safety.

"Theo?" Charlie continued to stare at him, his charcoal eyes demanding an answer.

"What?!" Theo downed the remaining punch and slammed the empty glass onto the table. Charlie flinched at the sudden gesture.

His reaction sparked an idea in Theo's mind. Charlie was known to be a coward, so if Theo simply asked him to help with this mission, it was likely that Charlie would come up with an excuse to leave. It was exactly what Charlie had done that morning in the cafeteria when the abductors had frightened him away.

Charlie pointed towards the stage. "I recognize that woman. On that cursed day at the cafe, she stood by the window and watched you and Ann attentively. She was so preoccupied that she didn't even notice me! Then she walked inside, and -"

"You freaked out and left Ann in grave danger."

Charlie let out a sigh of remorse. "I thought we already discussed this. I regret it, and I'll never leave her again."

"Oh, really?!" Theo gave him a sarcastic look.

"Of course!" Charlie assured him. "But what about that lady? Is she your... ex?"

Theo laughed at the suggestion. "Of course not. She is my objective."

Charlie furrowed his eyebrows, visibly confused.

"Okay, I'll explain," Theo said, leaning in closer. He prepared himself to come up with any lie necessary to get Charlie to leave the theater. "That woman is an actress. A very popular one. So, I was assigned to guard her."

"Like a ... bodyguard?"

"Sort of," Theo replied, not able to disclose the classified details of Elliana's situation. "I failed, and she was abducted. You witnessed that."

Charlie nodded, starting to piece things together. "That explains a lot. But why is she here now?"

"They're making her perform," Theo explained. "Those people... they want to use her talent and charisma to promote their own ideas."

"But she can call the authorities or try to escape. There are so many people around!"

"She can't just leave," Theo whispered. "They've threatened Ann's life, so she was forced to sign a contract with her own blood. She is bounded by oath."

Charlie took a moment to process this information. Then he grabbed a glass of cold water and downed it in two gulps. "Fuck!"

"Agreed." Theo nodded. "So now, I need your help."

"Mine?!" Charlie looked around, clearly searching for the nearest exit.

Theo placed his hand on Charlie's shoulder. "Yes, you promised to help, remember?"

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