Chapter 23. The World for Us

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The wood blazed in the fireplace, filling the spacious hut with warmth. Theo sat on the sofa, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames. Being so close to his element always helped him calm his nerves. But not today. A dozen thoughts twisted in his head as he struggled to devise a reliable plan.

"Here," Kyle offered him a cup of steaming mint tea. "To help you sleep."

"Sleep?!" Theo scoffed. "I don't think we can afford to waste such precious time. What if they are chasing us right now? I know the dragons let us take advantage but still..."

"Relax, no one will find us here," Kyle reassured him, gesturing around the room. "This hut is my safe house. It's nestled deep within a chain of canyons, far away from the roads and the reach of any Searching Spell."

"Who else knows about this place?"

Kyle took a sip of his tea before responding. "Only Julia. We've kept it a secret to ensure our privacy. We often utilize it during our travels. Sometimes, it serves as an escape when life becomes too overwhelming, providing us with a few days to rest and recharge."

"Very perceptive," Theo agreed, his heartbeat finally calming. "But now that you've brought me here, it's no longer a secret."

"Believe me, I wouldn't have done it if there was another way." Kyle leaned back in his chair, the flickering flames casting shadows on his unshaven face. "Theo, some powerful individuals are after you. I can only guess what you might have done to become their enemy."

"I wish I knew." Theo let out a weary sigh. "Gee, I'm so grateful you showed up just in time. How did you know we needed your help?"

"I didn't. Yesterday, I received a confidential letter from a Colonel, granting me legal permission to bring Rei to Middle Lake. He insisted that I urgently escort your dragon directly to your location. I was overjoyed because we had been waiting for so long! I hit the road the very next day and planned to call you along the way, once the connection stabilized. But you never responded to my call."

Theo glanced at his wrist, only now realizing that his watches were missing, which explained why Kyle couldn't reach him. "I must've lost my Calling crystal under the rubble."

"Rubble?!" Kyle's brow furrowed in concern. "No wonder you look so battered. Thankfully, Rei guided me here, relying on the bond between the two of you. He sensed your presence from a distance."

A smile tugged at Theo's lips. It was a relief to be reunited with Rei once again. From now on, he vowed to never let anyone or anything separate them.

"So, what happened?" Kyle inquired. "Why were you on that roof?"

"It's a long story."

"Oh... I didn't realize you were in a hurry," Kyle grinned. "Or perhaps you'd prefer to get some sleep?"

Theo glanced at the small window. There, the gray hue was slowly creeping into the sky. It had been a long and eventful night, and Ann had fallen asleep shortly after their arrival. She occupied the bed in the single bedroom, with her angelic companion by her side. Theo didn't want to disturb them.

But as for him, Theo knew that sleep would elude him until he had a plan to extricate them from their current situation. The thought of living in seclusion, constantly hiding from unknown adversaries, was unbearable. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was a traitor among their ranks, someone within their team who couldn't be trusted. But who could it be? The uncertainty gnawed at him, leaving him with more questions than answers.

"Alright," Theo relented. "I suppose you deserve an explanation."

"For sure," Kyle agreed. "Unless it's a classified case."

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