Chapter 17: Impossible!!!

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So Lavi and Allen see Crystal as a Clan of Noah

Lavi's POV

I just stared at her. She looked the same as she did when I last saw her only her smile was now creepy and twist.

"Well I guess my secrets out. It is true what I said though your friend died after Road changed her into me. But you should thank the Millennium Earl who came up with the idea in the first place."

I didn't want to fight her... I couldn't fight her...

"Crystal... I-I'm so sorry this happened to you..." She laughed. Her laugh was once beautiful and soothing now it felt wrong and sent shivers down my spine.

"Don't apologize, it's pathetic. You Exorcists are all the same pitying those who you have no real connections to. Just because she's gone doesn't mean I don't have her memories still. I know what happened between you two before she disappeared. She was so alone, she wanted you to save her from the darkness that clouded her mind." She looked left as chains wrapped around her body.

I looked over in that direction and saw a girl with pink hair and blue eyes.

"Crystal! I don't know what they did to you, but I'm not letting you disappear!" She yelled tightening the chains.

"Tsk-tsk poor little Andrea. Your sister disappeared a long time ago, when you left her all alone in a town filled with Akuma!"

Sister?! That was Crystal's sister? I never realized she had one... But I can see the family resembles.

"No! You're wrong! Crystal is strong and would never give in to something like the Clan of Noah!" It was like she didn't believe the girl in front of us was her sister, I mean I hardly believed it.

But standing before us was no doubt Crystal. She knew everything about us before we said anything. She knew about how we met her and brought her to the Order. As much as I didn't want to believe it, this was Crystal.

"Is this really what you want? To be a Clan of Noah?" I asked looking her dead in the eyes.

"You act like I should have a different answer, like I would want to go with you after everything you yelled at me for. Just because you're a Bookman doesn't mean I can't see right through your act Lavi. I know you like me or did when I was an Exorcist." I felt my face getting red. "Too bad the old panda isn't here I would have loved to have seen the look on his face when I told him that you broke one of the most severe of the Bookmen Code, don't fall in love." I felt anger rising in my throat.

"You aren't Crystal, she would never say things like this and harass her friends and sister! I don't know who you think you're fooling but whatever the Clan of Noah did to you changed who you are." She laughed and then broke the chains that had been binding her like they were toothpicks.

"Awe isn't that sweet, well Lavi would you have felt better if you knew she never once thought about you when she was screaming out in pain begging Road to stop." I shook my head feeling an overwhelming sadness and frustration.

"Thats a lie! She would have never begged and pleaded!" The creepy smile came back on to her face and she walked over to me.

"Oh really...? Here I'll show you what she looked like." The darkness in her eyes vanished along with the smile and who I saw was Crystal, our Crystal with a look of pain across her face.

"Please stop!!!!" She screamed a blood churning scream. Then as soon as it came she was gone and the darkness appeared again.

"She screamed and begged for Road to stop, but Road simply just laughed." I grabbed my hammer off the ground and swung it into her. She stopped it with her hand and smirked. "Lavi, hasn't anyone ever told you it's rude to hit a girl?" I glared at her.

"Give Crystal back!" I used all my strength to send her flying away into a nearby building.

"We should go before she comes back, she'll be pissed off. Let's go back to the Asia Branch." Andrea said rushing over and to be honest I agreed completely with her.

"We also need to get in contact with our Branch." Allen said finally and we ran back towards the harbor and then beelined into the trees.

"So you know my sister?" I nodded as we ran.

"Yeah we actually found her here when all the Akuma attacked. We found out she had Innocence and brought her back to our Branch." I explained.

"Well I'm glad for at least a little while she had a home. I don't know how this happened to her but I hope that we can fix it. I haven't seen her in ten years and it's been killing me not seeing her. This isn't the family reunion I was hoping for..." She muttered as we heard a crack of trees.

"Let's take cover in those bushes over there..." Allen whispered and pointed to some bushes. We quietly hid behind them and waited as Crystal came out of the darkness.

"Oh Exorcists come out come out wherever you are! I just want to play! I'll even let you keep your Innocence!" It was weird hiding from Crystal as she hunted us like wild dogs. "You know you can't hide from me forever, I'll find you and you won't like it when I'm mad." I looked at Andrea who put her hand against the ground.

"Innocence activate..." Chains shot into the ground and I heard a muffled cry as they met their target. "Lets go before she breaks free..." She whispered and crawled away with us following close behind. Once we were far enough away we stood up and started running once again. "The Order isn't that far from here, we just have to get past the barrier line and she can't get in." Barrier line?

"What's a barrier line?" She shook her head.

"I'll explain later." I heard a tree crash down next to us and saw Crystal running after us with a murderous look in her eyes.

"Lavi don't look back!" Allen yelled and I focused forward right as we crossed a line. Andrea stopped and looked back. I stopped with Allen and we looked back to see Crystal was trapped on the other side of the barrier.

"Don't worry the next time I see you we'll play an extra fun game called hide and die!" She said and vanished into thin air.


"Let's just get inside and we can talk more about all of this." Andrea said and we headed towards the gates to the Asia Branch Black Order.

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