Chapter 1: A Normal Day

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So Crystal is going to have pink hair and pink eyes in this one sorry hahaha

Well it's another ordinary day in my little village in China, my mom and dad were off at work already and I was getting ready for school.

"Hey Crystal!" I heard from outside. I opened my bedroom window and looked out to see my friends Lucas and Violet. I waved and then rushed downstairs.

"Hey guys!" I said with a smile.

"Hey didn't you hear? School has been cancelled again." I was shocked, because that's the third day in a row that school has been cancelled.

"Again?! Wow, what's with these school cancellations?" I wondered and they both shrugged their shoulders and grinned.

"Who cares we don't have to go to school!" Lucas said and then we started walking towards our favorite place to go get breakfast; a little restaurant right off the sea.

"So Crystal, did you hear about all the killings lately?" I froze as Violet brought up the stream of murders that had taken place in the past week.

"Yeah, it's awful. None of those families deserved to die..." I muttered looking at the menu but not really having much of an appetite anymore.

"I wonder who is killing all of them, I mean one person has killed seven families in the past week." One family every night, the police don't know what to do. There are no clues and no leads.

"Can we just stop talking about this right now?" I asked trying to shaking the images of those poor families being slaughtered in my head.

"Alright..." The two said pouting.

"Thank you." As our food arrived I heard a weird noise outside.

"Hey do either of you hear that too?" Lucas asked and I nodded.

"Yeah it sounds like a gun is shooting." I said.

"Maybe the police found the murderer." Violet said and jumped up heading outside with me and Lucas following close behind.

What we saw was far from what we thought. Hundreds of weird oval shaped creatures with guns pointing out of them were shooting everywhere there was people.

"W-what are those things?!" I yelled backing away. Violet and Lucas then turned and grinned at me.

"They're called Akuma, they are demons that kill humans to get stronger." Their bodies exploded pretty much and before me were two more of those oval creatures. I could now see their faces and they were like a sad tortured clown.

"Violet, Lucas..." I turned and ran as far away from them as I could as tears streamed down my face.

What were demons like Akuma doing here?!

I heard them following and trying to shoot at me. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me.

"Big hammer, little hammer! Grow, Grow, GROW!!!!" A hammer smashed the two Akuma behind me and I looked to my left to see three people standing there staring at the Akuma.

One of them was a girl with blackish hair in pigtails wearing a dress and her boots were glowing a weird green color.

The second one was a boy with white hair and I saw one of his eyes was black and had red circles in it, he had a scar over that eye in a shape of a star and his arm was a giant claw.

Finally the last one had red hair, he had a bandana on and an eyepatch over one of his eyes. He had a giant hammer in his hands and a goofy grin on his face.

"Hey are you alright?" The girl asked, but I felt sick. I dropped to my knees gripping my head.

"What's happening?! My friends just tried to kill me!" I screamed and wanted to cry more.

"Hey we're Exorcists we're not going to let any Akumas kill you." I looked at the girl as she bent down next to me.

"Exorcists?" She helped me up.

"We'll explain later, c'mon!" She grabbed me and jumped away as an Akuma shot at us.

The white haired guy's arm changed again and now fired like a gun. The Akuma exploded and I could feel my head pounding.

Why did I have such a bad headache?

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