Chapter 11: Guy Talk

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Don't know what to write here haha

Allen's POV

Lenalee and I had decided to greet Crystal when she got back from her first job to congratulate her, but when she came back she was alone and crying.

Even after Lenalee asked what was wrong I could see the sadness in her eyes before she said she had to go and ran off.

Lavi and Bookman came riding in on the boat and I could see Lavi was upset about something as well.

"Why was Crystal crying?" Lenalee asked concerned.

"The hell if I know." Lavi said coldly and got out of the boat. He walked past us without a word and then into the elevator.

Once the door closed Lenalee went off at Bookman with questions.

"Why is he being a jerk? Why was Crystal crying? What happened?" Bookman frowned.

"I'm not sure what happened between those two, but yesterday they were happy and laughing. Today Lavi yelled at her for asking if he was alright." Lenalee started shaking from anger.

"I'm going to kick his butt!" She turned and stormed off.

"Wait Lenalee!" I rushed into the elevator with her. "Why don't you let me talk to him." She looked at me with an annoyed stare.

"Fine, but if he doesn't apologize I'm going to kill him." I gulped thinking about her doing that to Lavi.

"Right..." Once we were upstairs I went towards the library after asking one of the scientists if they had seen Lavi.

When I walked in he was reading a book in the corner. I walked over slowly.

"Hey Lavi." He looked up and smiled like nothing was wrong.

"Hey Allen what's up?" I felt my jaw drop, this was the complete opposite then what I just saw.

"Lavi, Lenalee is going to kill you if you don't tell me why you yelled at Crystal. Bookman said you two were so happy yesterday." His eyes went dark again and he frowned.

"Allen I don't want to talk about it. Go away." I shook my head.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on." Lavi got up and slammed his book shut.

"Allen go away!" He yelled and some of the people in the room looked over but none of them said anything.

I couldn't take his shut out Crystal attitude anymore. I made my arm grow and pinned him against the bookshelf.

"You think it's okay to make her cry! You think it's okay to hurt her when she doesn't even know what she did! Lavi if you don't tell what happened then I can't help you! You're my friend and I don't want to see you or Crystal like this!" I yelled.

"Please let me go Allen, I'll tell you..." His voice was now sad not cold so I put him down. "You have to promise not to tell Bookman..." I nodded.

"I promise." We both sat down on the ground and he put both of his hands against his head looking like he was in pain.

"Dammit Allen, I never wanted to hurt her! I never wanted to make her cry... god that's the last thing I would have wanted to do, but I'm getting too close to her..." I looked at his pain filled face.

"Getting to close?" I said confused.

"I told you before that Bookmen can't have friends, can't have an opinion, and I can't fall in love..." I then realized what he meant.

"You're in love with Crystal?" He gripped his head tighter.

"I'm such an idiot Allen!" I touched his shoulder.

"No you're not. I get what you're trying to do by pushing her away, but can't you do that without hurting her?" He shook his head.

"If I push her away like this at least she can hate me and I'll be the only one that's suffering. If I keep being her friend then... we both suffer." I felt anger rising in my chest. I slapped him across the face.

"You're right you are an idiot! You think she isn't suffering like this?! Did you see the tears she had? The pained look on her face? No! But I did, she looked like she didn't have anything left to live for!" I got up and started walking away only I stopped and looked back at him one last time. "Go apologize to her, you owe her that much."

I walked out of the library and to the cafeteria feeling like someone boiled my blood.

How could he think that she wouldn't suffer too?

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