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Jungwon, eager to create new memories and strengthen the bond between them, invited Sunoo to his house. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation as they approached the familiar doorstep.

"It feels strange to be back here after everything that happened."

Jungwon, unlocking the door with a smile, reassured Sunoo.

"This place holds both our laughter and tears. Now, it's time for more laughter and happiness."

As they entered, the air seemed to echo with the echoes of their shared history. Jungwon led Sunoo to the living room, where warmth and comfort enveloped them like an old, familiar embrace.

"I never thought we'd be back here together."

Jungwon, taking Sunoo's hand, looked into his eyes with sincerity.

"This house witnessed our challenges, but it also witnessed our love. Let's make new memories here, filled with joy and understanding."

The rooms that once held echoes of heartache now resonated with the promise of a fresh start. Together, Sunoo and Jungwon embraced the beauty of their rekindled connection, ready to fill the space with laughter, love, and the shared warmth of a homecoming.

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