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Time passed, marking the chapters of Sunoo and Jungwon's shared journey with subtle intricacies. The whispers of longing lingered, and Sunoo found himself in the throes of a relentless yearning. A strange affliction manifested, casting a shadow over his once-hidden emotions.

One morning, as the sun painted the sky in hues of promise, Sunoo awoke to a world that had subtly shifted. Dizziness gripped him, and the room spun as if trying to keep pace with the tumult within his heart. Rushing to the bathroom, he heaved with an intensity that seemed to transcend the boundaries of mere illness. Unexpectedly, blood stained the porcelain, a crimson revelation that sent shockwaves through his being.

Panicked and disoriented, Sunoo sought refuge in the sterile confines of the doctor's office. The diagnosis was a cruel twist of fate – an unknown malady that linked the tendrils of Sunoo's love to his physical well-being. The doctor's words hung heavy in the air, a sentence etched in despair.

"Your condition is unique, Sunoo. You will bleed every time the one you love interacts with their crush. It's as if your heart's desires bleed into reality, causing you pain akin to losing blood. Without a cure, the consequences could be dire." The doctor said.

As the weight of his condition settled, Sunoo understood the gravity of the situation. His love had become a double-edged sword, a source of both joy and excruciating pain. The cure, however, lay in the hands of Jungwon – a love reciprocated not out of pity, but borne from the pure depths of their shared history.

Sunoo, grappling with the fragility of life and the intensity of his emotions, embarked on a journey where every interaction between Jungwon and Yeram became a battle against time. In the shadows of love and looming mortality, the tale unfolded, leaving the town and its inhabitants entwined in a narrative where the heart's desires painted the canvas of destiny.

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