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The bathroom door closed behind them, leaving Sunoo and Jungwon in a hushed space. Sunoo, weakened by the sudden bout of illness, couldn't shake the strange sensations that had gripped him.

"Jungwon, I feel... weird. Something's not right."

Jungwon, his concern deepening, held Sunoo's hand gently.

"We'll figure this out, Sunoo. Let's get you to a doctor."

As they made their way back to their seats, the café seemed to blur around Sunoo. The warmth and familiarity were replaced by an unsettling unease. Sunoo couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted, not just within himself, but also in the dynamic between him, Jungwon, and the lingering presence of Yeram.

The questions echoed in Sunoo's mind – the sudden illness, Jungwon's conflicted expressions, and the unspoken tension with Yeram. Each step felt like navigating a maze of emotions, and Sunoo couldn't escape the lingering sense of unease that settled in his chest.

"Jungwon, do you really like me? I need to know."

Jungwon, looking into Sunoo's eyes with sincerity, nodded.

"Sunoo, you mean a lot to me. I want to understand and be there for you, no matter what it takes."

Yet, Sunoo couldn't shake the perplexing sensations that clung to him like a shadow, casting doubt on the unraveling events and the complexities of his relationships. The destinies of Sunoo and Jungwon seemed to teeter on the edge of uncertainty, leaving them both entangled in a web of emotions and unanswered questions.

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