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On a typical Saturday night, as the town slept under the velvet sky, an unexpected rain shower descended, cloaking everything in a misty veil. Sunoo, unlike others who sought shelter, let the raindrops cascade over him, each droplet a reflection of the turmoil within.

Seated on a bench, drenched in the downpour, Sunoo's tears blended seamlessly with the rain. The cool droplets mingled with the warmth of his emotions, creating a delicate dance of sorrow and solitude.

As Sunoo walked through the wet streets, the town illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights, his wet silhouette painted a picture of vulnerability. Each step he took echoed the weight of unspoken struggles, and his cries mingled with the rhythmic percussion of raindrops.

In the midst of his solitary journey, Jungwon, stirred by a sense of concern, spotted Sunoo from a distance. Without a second thought, he sprinted towards his friend, an umbrella clutched tightly in his hand.

"Sunoo, what are you doing? You'll catch a cold!"

Ignoring the chilly raindrops, Jungwon extended his umbrella over Sunoo, the protective barrier offering a sanctuary from the storm. Noticing Sunoo's shivering form, Jungwon removed his coat and gently draped it over his friend's shoulders.

"You're soaked. Let's get you warm."

As Sunoo's sobs blended with the patter of rain, Jungwon, undeterred by the wetness, embraced him tightly. The warmth of Jungwon's hug cut through the chill, a silent comfort that transcended the damp reality around them.

In that moment, under the canvas of a rainy night, Sunoo and Jungwon's destinies intertwined once again, the echoes of tears in the rain weaving a tapestry of shared understanding and unspoken support. The town, a silent spectator to their delicate dance, held its collective breath as the bonds of friendship and the complexities of their shared journey continued to unfold in the soft embrace of the night.

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