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The hospital room held an air of fragility, with Sunoo lying unconscious on the bed, a delicate figure in the quiet stillness. Jungwon, overcome with worry, sat by Sunoo's side, tenderly caressing his friend's hair as he admired the peaceful slumber that masked the true tumult within.

Sunoo's once vibrant features were now drained of color, his lips pallid, and his eyes puffy from the silent battles he fought within his weakened body. The weight of the situation pressed heavily on Jungwon's heart as he held Sunoo's limp hand, desperate to bridge the gap between his emotions and the reality before him.

A knock on the door announced the arrival of the doctor, a familiar face who knew Sunoo all too well. The doctor, aware of Sunoo's desire for secrecy, maintained the facade that shrouded the truth.

The doctor said,"He's stable for now, just needs rest."

Jungwon, holding onto hope like a lifeline, forced a smile, but his eyes betrayed the depths of his concern. As the doctor left, Yeram stood up, a calming presence in the storm of emotions.

Yeram calmed Jungwon down,"Jungwon, let's give him the rest he needs. The doctor knows what's best."

Jungwon, torn between frustration and worry, stood up abruptly.

"This can't be normal. He's weak, and something is wrong. I won't accept this."

The doctor's silence in the face of Jungwon's assertion only fueled his frustration. As the door closed behind the doctor, Jungwon returned to his seat, eyes fixed on Sunoo's frail form.

The room held an unspoken tension, a battlefield of emotions where love, concern, and the harsh reality of Sunoo's condition collided. In the hushed atmosphere, Jungwon, seated beside his unconscious friend, grappled with the uncertainty of the situation, each passing moment echoing the fragility of life and the complex interplay of their destinies.

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