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In the midst of their friendly banter, an unexpected storm brewed within Sunoo. The laughter that had filled the room turned into a silent struggle as he felt the familiar signs of impending turmoil.

As Sunoo's world spun, he caught a glimpse of Jungwon's phone screen, revealing a chat with Yeram. A surge of emotions overcame him, and before he could comprehend the tumult within, he hurriedly excused himself.

Racing to Jungwon's bathroom, Sunoo's breaths quickened, and he vomited blood, the crimson liquid staining the porcelain basin. The echoes of his pain resonated in the confined space, a stark contrast to the camaraderie that had just moments ago filled the air.

Jungwon, sensing that something was amiss, rushed to Sunoo's side. The sight of blood triggered a wave of concern, and he tried to help Sunoo navigate the storm raging within him.

As they talked, Sunoo's strength waned, and before Jungwon could fully comprehend the gravity of the situation, Sunoo fainted. Reacting swiftly, Jungwon caught him in the nick of time, their destinies once again entangled in the complexities of an unforeseen challenge.

In the quiet aftermath of Sunoo's collapse, the bathroom became a silent witness to the fragility of their bond. The town, oblivious to the intricacies of their shared struggle, held its collective breath, waiting for the next chapter where love, friendship, and the unspoken truths continued to shape the destinies of Sunoo and Jungwon.

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