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In the cozy ambiance of their favorite café, Jungwon was earnestly trying to learn how to love Sunoo better, seeking ways to make him feel cherished. As they enjoyed their time together, the atmosphere shifted abruptly when Sunoo excused himself, rushing towards the bathroom.

Jungwon, a cloud of worry settling over him, rose from his seat to follow. His concern deepened when he saw Sunoo, pale and visibly distressed, vomiting blood into the bathroom sink.

"Sunoo, what's happening? We need to get you help."

As he spoke, Jungwon's attention was abruptly diverted. Yeram stood before him, an unexpected and unsettling presence.

"Jungwon, long time no see. Is everything okay?"

Jungwon, torn between attending to Sunoo and addressing Yeram, felt a pang of discomfort. Sunoo needed him, yet Yeram's presence triggered an ache in his heart.

"Sunoo needs help right now. We can talk later."

Entering the bathroom, Jungwon assisted Sunoo, but the questions lingered. Why did Sunoo vomit blood, and why did Yeram's appearance stir such conflicting emotions in him?

"Sunoo, we need to figure this out. Are you okay?"

Sunoo, weak but still composed, nodded.

"I don't know what's happening. But Jungwon, why did you look so conflicted when you saw Yeram? Do you still...like her?"

Jungwon, caught in the whirlwind of emotions and questions, sighed.

"I don't know, Sunoo. I need time to understand everything, but right now, you're my priority."

The café became a backdrop to their uncertainties, the destinies of Sunoo and Jungwon entangled in a web of emotions and unanswered questions.

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