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The aftermath of the confrontation left Sunoo with a storm of emotions. The once-familiar corridors of the school now echoed with doubt as Sunoo grappled with the sudden revelation that had upended his understanding of Jungwon's feelings.

Seeking clarity, Sunoo approached Jungwon near the school courtyard, the weight of uncertainty heavy in his gaze.

"Jungwon, we need to talk."

Jungwon, sensing the gravity of the moment, nodded, and they retreated to a quieter corner away from the school's buzz.

Sunoo, struggling to find the right words, voiced the questions that had been tormenting him.

"I don't understand, Jungwon. You used to like Yeram, and now you're saying you don't. Why the sudden change? And why me?"

Jungwon, his eyes reflecting a mixture of regret and vulnerability, took a breath before revealing the shift in his feelings.

"Sunoo, I can't explain it easily. My feelings have changed. Yeram was a distraction, but as we faced these challenges, it became clear where my heart truly lies. It's with you."

Sunoo, caught off guard, felt a swirl of confusion and conflicting emotions.

"But why didn't you say anything before? I thought you liked Yeram."

Jungwon, reaching out with sincerity, explained, "I was scared, Sunoo. Scared of risking our friendship, scared of facing my true feelings. It took this situation to make me realize what truly matters."

As Sunoo processed the revelation, a cloud of uncertainty hung in the air. Before he could respond, Jungwon, driven by a newfound clarity, took a bold step.

"Sunoo, I understand if this is too much. But I can't hold back anymore. Will you be my boyfriend?"

The question lingered between them, the shifting tides of emotions and unspoken truths shaping the destinies of Sunoo and Jungwon in the silent corridors of their shared journey.

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