And, What was I thinking? Of course going home isn't going to mean I get to be alone.

Of course Soul is going to be a gentleman and invite everyone in. And of course I have to agree, so I don't seem rude.

Of course I then have to make food for everyone, and make sure they are comfortable.

But as soon as I can I will make sure everyone goes home.

Well fuck me then.

Just great.

Soul just had to agree when someone suggested a sleepover. And he looked at me for confirmation and I just couldn't say no.

I am now getting blankets and pillows for everyone. Finding snacks and entertainment for everyone.

I just want to go to bed. Alone.

Deep in the night when everyone is asleep I am at last able to quickly clean up and slip away into my room, I cant help but spare a glance at the boys, cuddling and sprawled on top of each other. It was cute enough it almost lifted my spirits. Not to mention a certain pistol and demon weapon being awfully close.

But then I walk in, shut my door and sit on my bed. I let out a breath of relief.

Finally. Alone.

I get under my blanket and I'm finally able to decompress. I love my friends, I really do. But god they don't know when to leave.

Just as I get comfortable enough to maybe sleep, there's a light knock on my door. I groan and say a quiet, "yes?" So close.

I sit up as the door creaks open revealing my roommate. I was a bit surprised because he looked deep in sleep just moments ago. I smile a little at him as he walks in shutting the door.

"What's up?" I ask. I want to go to sleep but I also want to be supportive. I pat the bed for him to sit.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit on edge today. Was the movie too much?" He asks sitting down on the edge of the bed, legs hanging off. He looks pretty worried. In that way he always looks at me. The one that makes me feel like I'm his number one priority.

"Oh." I wasn't expecting that. "I mean, yeah I'm okay. Just overwhelmed by our wonderful friends. I just wanted to spend the day with you is all. I don't mind them coming I just wish I had a heads up, y'know?" I give a glance to his eyes to show I'm okay.

"Oh. I didn't know you wanted it to just be us, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told BlackStar anything." He apologizes. He looks down and kicks his leg a bit in nervousness. I can tell he is going to be hard on himself. So I place my hand in his.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." I smile at him. He smiles at me too and scoots a little bit closer, fully on the bed now.

"I still feel bad. Don't worry, next time I won't tell anyone when we go out." He states, the way he says 'go out' instead of 'on a date' makes my heart a little sad. But I cant make my expectations too high. He probably doesn't see my that way. "It'll just be me and you. How it should be." Oh.

"Yeah." I look down at our hands. "How it should be." I repeat in a whisper. I look back up at him to him already looking at me. "I really miss when it was just us. I love them but I miss being with you." I squeeze his hand, I urge him to move to face me. He does.

"I feel the same. It's just hard to tell them no, but I'd rather it just be us right now." He starts. "Because..."

"Because what?" I ask after he trails off this sentence. He looks me in the eyes and it's like I just knew. I knew what he was feeling and wanting, it was what I was feeling and wanting as well. "Oh. Me too."

"Can.." he starts and begins to trail off, like he doesn't want to commit to asking. Like he is worried I will say no still. I lean into the short distance that was between us.

"Please just do it." I demand softly. And we close the distance. Any weight or pressures on me were lifted in that moment.

It felt so nice. Like when our resonance is in perfect harmony. Like when I hug him from behind on his motorcycle and feel butterflies. Like when you get a perfect grade on something you barely studied for. Like sitting on the beach during sunset, warmth from the sun and the sand, mixed with the cool breeze.

Everything felt so perfect. Our lips felt like they were made for eachother. I found myself not being able to pull way. I could feel the desperation from both of us. We both wanted this just as bad as the other. He pushes me back on the bed when I hear a noise.

The fucking door.

And in barges BlackStar, "oh!" He looks at us as we look back at him, still in a compromising position. He glances around the room and back at us, "wrong door. Wheres the bathroom?"

I almost scream. But I don't. "The middle one." I say with a grimace.

"Right!" He nervously says then backs away shutting the door and trampling his way to the toilet.

"I cannot fucking believe this." I say. "Everything I do isn't private anymore." I look up at Soul who is still on top of me.

"Hey it's okay. I mean... well... he is probably going to tell everyone." He stops. "But that's okay with me if it's okay with you."

"I don't know. I just kind would rather keep this private. I don't want my dad to find out. He would get all weird." I look down. "I guess the others could know but I really don't want word to spread.

"Don't worry. I'll tell him to not say anything. It might not work but I'll give it a shot." Soul says. He smiles down at me.

"Thank you." I smile back. I lean up a bit to kiss him again. I was going for just a peck but he pushed me back down getting back into the groove from before. And I couldn't argue with that.

But I swear I heard a certain meister shout a quiet, "Kidd!" As if going to tell the other everything. But I couldn't find it I'm myself to care at this moment.

All I needed was Soul.

Hey sorry if this is a bit bland! I haven't written in ages but I thought I'd give it a go again. Also BlackStar is my favorite character so I wasn't hating on him in this! This is just how I perceive Maka's views towards him!

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