A Charmer II - 10

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"Have you always had a knack for treating people, or was that just something life tossed your way?"

I pondered on the words, meeting that questioning gaze belonging to Olivia.

She was one brilliant lady. One, whose character I wished to pry at.

"I always knew I would end up in the profession since I was a kid" I sighed.

"It was one of those moments, when we are brought to a family function and asked what we would like to be as an adult... becoming a doctor was all I mentioned" I dropped.

"My parents being the ever-encouraging ones, made sure I got that"

"And how are your parents now?" She enquired.

I looked into her gaze. "Dead"

Her eyes fell soft in mine, and in that moment, she averted them to the half-eaten bowl of soup before her.

"I'm sorry, Doctor." I heard her voice.

"It's fine, Liv" I uttered at once. "And please call me, Alessio"

She followed with a warm smile, shifting in her seat.

And for a minute in, the silence was all which prevailed.

Olivia, picking at her bowl of dessert, and me, only sat back here, watching all that made up the lady.

She would have a glance at me this moment, and then return back to her plate of chocolate fudge.

In a matter of seconds, the atmosphere had shifted from cozy to tense-filled, and with neither of us uttering a word, the silence grew even thicker.

She dug into the plate laid before her, and soon managing to crack the quietude, her voice broke out.

"Do you have any siblings, Doctor?" She uttered with a smile I only felt was forced. Her gaze remained keen on me, awaiting an answer, and when I only shook my head, I saw her swallow hard.


"I'd rather keep to my company, Olivia" I dropped.

"And why is that, Alessio?"

"It's relaxing"

"You deem loneliness, relaxing?" She enquired.

"I call solitude, relaxing" I followed.

She only let out a soft chuckle, one which managed to pull a slight grin to my face. And with those eyes soft in mine, I remained lost in her scrutiny.

Charles and Blaise was beginning to get empty, figures already seen strolling out as the night thickened. And with the area turning scanty, we were one of the few figures to be found still occupying their table.

"How did Sarah die?"

I met those brown eyes.

That question came out of nowhere, and with her gaze curious in mine, she remained watching my profile.

"Suicide" I called in a voice.

I notice the eyes of the lady shift from curious to worried, and in that time her gaze faltered in mine, she settled her gaze on the table.

"I'm really sorry, Alessio" She rushed her words. "I didn't mean to...

"It's alright" I assured. "Things happen"

"Perhaps, the loss of Sarah and your parents made you this way"

"So, we're back to me being a loner?" I chortled.

"Yes, we're back to that"

I managed a grin, peeking into those brown eyes of hers. Her face told me she had a lot to say. All she would spill one after the other.

"I believe people who shut themselves away are only scarred from memories, past experiences that have in one way left them broken" Olivia went on.

"That, or they'd rather just be alone" I dropped

"Yet here you are with me, Doctor"

And at those words, I let out a chuckle. "You're one exceptional character, Miss Sanders"

She grinned. "Well, I am glad to have you bemused"

That gaze of hers was full of vigor, appealing to mine, and with a flick of her hair, a tilt of her head, and that grin on her face, I swore the lady had me secured in her grasp.

"And what if I told you I could sway your beliefs, Alessio"

I chortled.

"And would you be kind to enlighten me on how so you plan to do that?"

"My company" She uttered, voice strong.

"That's tempting"

"Is it, now?"

And with our figures inching closer over the table, I watched.

"Tell me, Olivia. How have you been?"

Only an arm's length away from each other, and I pulled back at once, managing to earn a grin crossing her lips.

I can tell very much she knew of her teases, the game she played, it wasn't usual you would find a fellow hung on some lassie whom he had only come to know weeks ago.

Perhaps it was that memory of her spread over the hospital bed while I explored her insides, which chose to live in my head. Or it could be just how the lady had the charm of having me yearning to know more.

Those eyes. Cazzo!

"Exempting the fact I just moved out of the house I inhabited for the past couple years, being so close to getting let off my job all because of one project, and now realizing that no one really cares about you as much as they claim to, then I must say I'm well"

A smile crossed those lips, one so abrupt, one I noticed was forced.

I paused, staring into that gaze, watching as the lady held a gaze of pain behind those eyes.

She took a sip out of her wine glass.

"Why did you move out, Olivia?"

She responded with a chuckle. "Was I to keep sharing a home with the bastard?"

Perhaps mindful of her words, she bit on her lower lip.

"Of course, not"

"I'm sorry it had to come to this" My voice poured low, gaze matching hers.

"Oh believe me, Doctor. I'm much alive than I ever was"

Those eyes lied.

Yet, the lady's body language seemed sure.

"And how has it been, moving out?" I questioned.

"So far, it's been good" She let out.

"I'm crashing in a property that's not mine, managing to put on a façade for as long as it could in order to secure the only job I have now. Did I also mention that life's been a bum?" She grinned.


We only remained staring into each other's gaze while the night lived on.

Olivia shifted her eyes to her fiddling hands, making no utterance. And with the quietude now grown intent, my words poured;

"I'd like to know where you stay"

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