He's a psychopath, run away from him - 16

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I was jolted off the comfort of my bed by an ear-deafening ring, one which came echoing down the halls, soon to settle in the space of my room.

For the past minute, all I had gotten familiarized with were those distant ding-dongs which kept coming from the living room.

I twisted in bed, reaching for my clock propped on the desk.

7:00 a.m. it read...And a Sunday, at that too.

So why the hell was I being interrupted off the comfort of my sleep, by that God-forsaken sound on a morning as peaceful as this?!


There came the sound again, and this time, I was forced off bed, hurrying down the stairs.

Perhaps, the neighbors thought to come say Hello. I decided to go with that.

It's been what? Barely a day, since this property was put in my name, also, I doubted the neighbors would be that kind to someone whose move-in they hadn't even been informed of.

Really, it was that fishy.

I mean, they would see me coming over to show potential buyer, and now, I was the one residing here.

So many questions to be asked.

Ding dong!

That recurring bell wouldn't spare me
a moment to rest.

"I'm coming" I called out, hurrying towards the door.

When I pried it open, I was met with some questioning gaze belonging to Loren.

"Olivia Sanders... She played with her words, bemused eyes accessing all that came with me.

"Some wonder you are" She dropped.

"Now, are you gonna stand there moping at me, or are you gonna invite me into your home" Her last word was uttered with a stress, and when I noticed those strained eyes cross with a haze, I knew the lady had brought nothing but troubles to my doorstep this early.

"Of course" I called at once. "Come on in"

She pushed past me, figure advancing further down the room, I noticed her pause at the center of the living room, and with eyes left skimming every bit of the area, from the paintings on the wall, to the carpets on the floor, onto the glass sculptor centered on the table.

And in that moment, she spun around at me, arms now folded across her chest.

"So when were you gonna tell me that you got a home?"

I paused, gaze frantic in hers. Of course, I could tell that look held in her eyes.

Loren was pissed.

I didn't need to linger even in longer in her gaze to know what went on in her head.

She now stood feet away, accessing me, like a lecturer whose student had brought nothing but crap to his table.

"I was gonna tell you Loren, Believe me" I rushed. "I tell you, I'm more surprised than you are.

It happened so sudden, it's hard to believe...Who told you even?" I poured.

"Mallory" Her voice came flat.

"The girl who knows not your middle name, happens to be the first to catch whiff of your new residence"

How splendid!

My co-workers barely spared a minute in coming to pay a visit while I was at the hospital, but walk into the office with a man as striking as Darren Miller, and believe them to have the word spreading all through the Californian air.

Dr. Valentino (18+)Where stories live. Discover now