Chapter 8 - I Could Stay Like This Forever

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"I'm not lying. Fucking LOUD." Folio says with a wink.

"Oh shut up and put a movie on." I throw a pillow at him and it hits him square in the face. "You deserved that you perv."

"I wanted to play a game." Nick moans.

"Dude what game can we actually play?" Jolly asks.

"I don't know truth or dare." I roll my eyes at his shit suggestion of a game.

"What are we sixteen? Next you'll suggest never have I ever." Jolly tells Nick.

"I just wanted to get to know Noah's lil girlfriend a lil better. Could be fun." Nick replies.

"We don't even have any drink." Noah tells Nick who shrugs.

"There's a bar downstairs?" I realise that Nick isn't going to give up. I think he's desperate for something to do and not just to sit and watch a movie.

"I don't drink but I'll play if you're really that desperate." I can feel Noah's stare as I say it.

"Woohooo! I'll be a minute, come on Folio help me." Nick says as he leaves the room, Folio reluctantly following.

"Thanks Margo." He says sarcastically as he leaves the room.

"You're gonna regret agreeing to this Margo." Jolly tells me as I sit up resting my head on Noah's shoulder.


"Because Nick has no shame when it comes to asking personal questions. Maybe never have I ever would be more tame. At least we can ask dumb questions." Jolly explains.

"It's kinda pointless when I don't drink." I say and Noah nods.

"You don't need to answer anything you don't want to." Noah tells me.

"I know but that's not fair if everyone else is playing properly." I say just as Nick and Folio come back into the room with a bag of food and a bottle of vodka a bottle of whiskey and two bottles of water. "Isn't two bottles of alcohol a bit excessive?" I ask and Nick shrugs.

Nick hands out everyone's food and we all eat with music playing quietly in the background. As soon as we're done Nick is up and handing us all a drink.

"Who's going first?" He asks but no one volenteers.

"What are we playing?" Jolly asks and Nick looks over with a glare.

"A game, duh."

"Never have I ever?" Jolly asks.

"Sure, we'll do that one first." Nick says and downs his drink before the game even starts.

"So, I'll go first! Never have I ever broken a bone." Jolly says and we all take a sip including Jolly.

"Never have I ever slept with a fan." Folio states and again everyone but me takes a sip. I can't help but feel like they might just see me as that. One of the bands fans.

"Never have I ever been in a relationship for over five years." I ask and I'm surprised that no one drinks.

"Never have I ever been in a physical fight." Noah asks and a couple of the guys sip.

"Never have I ever been skinny dipping?" Nick asks with a smirk and Folio and Noah take a sip.

"Together?" I say with a wink and Folio almost chokes on his drink.

"You wish." Noah says.

"Never have I ever ate broccoli." Jolly asks and I can't help but laugh at his tame question, we all take a sip but Jolly.

"Never have I ever had a threesome." Folio smirks and I feel cheeks flush but no one drinks.

"Never have I ever had a one night stand." I ask and again everyone drinks but me.

"Hmmm never have I ever had sex in public." Noah asks but still takes a sip as does everyone else including myself. I notice that Folio raises an eyebrow at Noah and he shrugs.

"Never have I ever been inlove." Nick asks with a smile and I feel Noah's gaze on me. Everyone takes a sip and Jolly shakes his head. "I wanna elaborate." Nick continues and Noah shoots him a stern look.

"No." Jolly says looking into his glass, Nick laughs.

"Guys it's just a game, let me elaborate." The tone of the room changes and I hadn't realised how tipsy Nick had become. "Never have-"

"Stop." Noah says his eyes pleading.

"I ever been as in love as I am now." Nick continues and the room freezes. "Drink Noah." Nick says with a laugh. I can tell he's not doing it in a malicious way he thinks it's funny but no one's laughing.

"Dude I think it's time we got some sleep." Noah says kindly and Folio gets up to help Nick back to his room.

"Aw it was just starting to get interesting." Nick says and he and Folio leave.

"I knew that wasn't going to end well. He loves winding people up. Night guys." Jolly says following Nick and Folio out of the room.

"Well that ended abruptly." I say to Noah as he gets up to clean the mess away. I get up to help him, I can't help but notice that he seems to make himself busy when he's embarrassed. "Are you okay?"

"I wanted to do that myself, I wanted to tell you myself when I was ready. I made a passing comment to Nick in the bus. We were talking about you and Cassidy. Nick wanted to know what the deal was. Folio explained that him and Cassidy are just sleeping together but I said I really like you, I felt like I was starting to fall for you. That I could really see us making it in the long run. He said that he hadn't ever seen me this way about someone and that I was clearly falling in love with you. Obviously he had a little too much to drink and was teasing about it but that was for me to tell you when I was ready."

"Oh Noah... I feel the same. Well just take things step by step. We'll get there when we're ready." I wrap my arms around him and he rests his chin on my head.

"I could stay like this forever."

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