Everybody Loses

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Up until this very day, countless people had sacrificed themselves for the sake of the people they had loved, the people they cared about, in a true hope that after this is all over the realm can live in a state of peace, the truly honorable men and women that are willing to die for a cause so great. Those who are willing to die for the simple chance of it all ending, those who are willing to die so their people can survive and prosper, so that a new generation can live in a better world of their own creation.

People like Skizz, or like beef, or like Xb, or Jevin, or Joe, or Iskall, Wels, Cleo, Scott, Oli, Mumbo, Bigb, Pearl, Tango, and now Impulse, Every one of them dying so that the people they loved could march into these walls right now, or in an attempt to stand by their people even if it meant death, even to protect the innocent boy for a promise they made years ago to a dead person.

Every one of those people had more courage and heart than the men standing inside the Dogwarts castle right now. Each and every one of them a better person than Cub because they died for their people, and Cub wants his people to die for him.

And now the innocent children living inside Dogwarts have to experience a siege like no other, a battle which will claim the lives of their fathers, maybe their mothers, leaving them alone and scared, something no one should every have to experience at any age yet alone so young. All because of a wrong ruler, a pathetic ruler, a bad ruler, a selfish and narcissistic ruler who doesn't see the lives of these innocent children, all he could see is tools for his next battle.

Each and every one of these people who sacrifice themselves are doing it for those children, to create a better world for those children where war is forgotten, and one where they can see their children grow to old age.

So maybe in war, one side comes out victorious, but if you look to a singular person, an innocent child, or someone who fought their heart out on the battlefield, they all lost something, be it their parents, friends, home, dignity, or even the purity of their childhood, even if you survive war, Everybody loses.

And now Bdubs has to watch the man he hated for years, yet a man he came to love and care for, drop from the wall he had a part in creating, with nothing he can do to stop it, and less he can do to honour it.

Joel runs as quickly as his feet will allow him through the stampede of marching men, tears filling his eyes and blurring his vision as he feels himself dropping to his knees, picking up his best friends body into his arms as he looks down to him through blurred vision, "Jimmy!". He tries to shake him. "Jimmy, wake up!" He shouts down to the motionless body before seeing the arrow sticking out of him. "Jimmy, please! not like this!" Joel lets the tears roll out of his eyes. "JIMMY WAKE UP!" He shouts again before leaning back and wiping his eyes. "Jimmy, Jimmy! please, wake up.." He almost whispers as he continues to stare down at the motionless body. "Jimmy, you can't go. What am i without you, im nothing, Jimmy. Jimmy!" Joel starts shaking him again, trying to pleas to the gods through his sobs.

"Someone take him! help him!" He screams back towards the camp where he can see a few people rushing towards him, without a care in the world for how they would see him at the moment, his best friend is in his arms, and that's the only important part to him.

"Save him, don't let him die!" he pleads while staying on his knees as Jimmy is pulled away from him before standing up and looking towards Dogwarts and pulling out his sword as his eyes of sadness become those of pure rage.

"Like father, like son." Cub mutters as he watches Ren and his men march towards Dogwarts, reminding him of the countless times he watched Ren's father ride into battle with his blood curdling battle cry.

"What do you mean?" Xisuma asks as he walks up besides the obviously terrified man, the only time he ever saw Cub without an arrogant smirk he thinks.

"Can you not hear it? his father would always chant that as he charged into war, him and his army, now Ren and his army." Cub sighs as he watches them disperse throughout the city and the battle beginning.

Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)Where stories live. Discover now