True King

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He looks up to Xb, covering his mouth so his sobs can't escape. The letter in hand as a small smile grows on the others' face, the memories of his childhood friend flowing through his mind as he reads about how much his friend thinks about him, how after seven years he hasn't forgotten, or at least still cares.

"T-thank you." Scar stutters shoving the letter into his pocket, making sure it doesn't tear.

"No problem, now we can't stay out here. Where have you been staying?" Xb asks, looking around for any sign of shelter.

"Oh, come with me." Scar says, holding up a torch as he begins to walk through the woods.

"Sure, i guess.." Xb follows closely behind.

They walk through the forrest for what feels like hours before stepping out of the treeline to see a large black tower infested by vines with cracks all around it.

"Is this what i think it is?" Xb questions nervously, looking up at the tower looking over him.

"It is, the home of the undead it's called in the books." Scar smirks, walking around to the other side of the tower to open one of the most squeaky and stiff doors Xb could ever imagine.

"Why have you been staying with her?" Xb questions again, walking in and looking up, unable to see the top of the tower due to its complete darkness.

"It's custom to stay with your family, is it not?" He places down his torch, lighting up the room a little.

"Your family?" The now confused Xb asks with a hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Yep, my family, no need to be so on guard no one will hurt you here." Scar laughs a little with a smile on his face, putting down his axe and beginning to walk up the creaking stairs.

"Is she here?" Xb asks, following behind with his hands off his sword.

"She is, just up here." Scar answers as they walk up the stairs for another few minutes before reaching the top.

"Is that you, Scar?" A feminine voice says from the shadows in front of them, causing a chill to shoot right through Xb. The rumours are true.

"Yeah, it's me, and i brought a friend." He says happily, Xb can hear the loud footsteps of the other walking towards them, he's frozen, unable to move in fear of what he's about to see.

She emerges out of the shadows, dark ginger hair down to her shoulders with tears in her rotted skin, the undead woman, Cleo, ZombieCleo.

People say she died protecting her children in the war, and some dark experiment was used to bring her back to life only for her to get banished the second she resurrected.

She was close to the king, the whole family was although nobody knew what ever happened to her children, the entire family split after the war,  Xb had heard people in the street calling the hand of the king one of her sons, but nobody ever asked him about it, nor who the father was.

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost?" She asks with a smirk on her face straight to Xb.

"I suppose i have." He calms down slightly, making sure to seem confident in the situation.

"I suppose you have." She sighs, walking up to her son.

"Why is he here?" She asks him, knowing Xb is a knight of Dogwarts, the place which banished her

"He got banished too. He's a friend of Grian's and a friend of mine." He says, smiling over at Xb.

"Very well, happy to let you stay for as long as you need, a friend of my son is a friend of mine." She sighs again before sitting down on a chair to regain her breath.

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