The Ashes

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<During Tears of the forrest>

The sun looms over the large stone walls, which guard the impenetrable Dogwarts, any army who wishes to lay a siege on the kingdom would have to starve them, and even then they have enough food and water to last them years.

Any soldier who wishes to break through the walls will have hundreds of arrows raining down from above, an instantaneous death at least.

The kingdom had only been taken once, by Joel, the Usurper of Stratos, a sworn kingsguard turned king, he lead an army straight through the walls like it was nothing to him, the first time in thousands of years the walls had been taken from the outside. and most likely the last time for centuries.

"Pathetic." Cub laughs, closing the book, watching the dust shoot out from the sides as he looks back to Bdubs.

"Pathetic?" Bdubs questions, watching Cub, who is keeping his eyes firmly on the throne, a burning desire in his eyes as he looks down to it, all he's ever wanted and it's right infront of him, he only has to take it.

"They only talk about taking the kingdom from the outside, not the inside." He says a slight smirk on his face, a light shining over his face as his next plot comes to mind.

"That's because in the city is Dogwarts men, you can't take a city without people to take it." Bdubs laughs a little as Wels lets out a chuckle, clearly annoying Cub.

"I have to ask Cub. Where do your loyalties lie here? what is your end goal?" False questions stepping forward from the wall she was leaning against, a  tension washing over the room.

"I have done so much for this realm, and for what, little return, i was born as a slave, shipped across the seas, and grew up as the King's family slave, doing anything they ever wanted, One dirty unwanted task after another i made my way to this room and a mountain of gold, do you know who ended slavery in this realm? Do you? It was me, and i was the only one who even dared to try. One by one, those slaves were released from their chains, and now they can live their lives. So if you truly wish to know where my loyalties lie, it is with the people who are born poor and live in holes in the ground, with the woman sold as livestock for evil men and the men sold as soldiers and farmers for evil rulers, the children who were ripped from their parents who have never known freedom, who have never known security or love, that is who i serve. He replies, a silence filling the room as everyone looks at one another nervously before Cub walks out of the room, letting the door slam shut behind him.

Nobody would dare move, an unsettling silence flooding the room, the three of them looking on at each other with bewildered faces and shocked eyes.

Bdubs walks up to the book Cub had been reading, brushing his hands over its cover. The pages had worn, and the colour faded, clearly a book which had been resting in the library for many years.

"What did he mean about taking the city from the outside?" Bdubs asks, looking back at False and Wels.

"I assume it was another random smart thing he said just to seem smart, probably means nothing at all." False replies, standing forward, a slight smile on her face as she watches Bdubs shake his head.

"No, no, he meant something. It's Cub. Have you ever seen him not up to something." He slams his hands down on the book, watching a coin shoot out from the side.

"What is that?" Cub asks, looking down at the ground, the shine of a gold coin staring him in the eyes.

Bdubs walks over to them, squatting down slowly and picking up the coin, carefully examining it as everything quickly pours into his head. In an instant, he solves the biggest mystery in the realm and also the biggest threat.

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