God's Grace

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Impulse bites into the overcooked piece of rabbit meat he is currently holding. Sitting around a smoking fire trying to warm himself up, the nights are coming quicker, and the winds blow colder as winter slowly approaches.

Spotting Bdubs slightly shivering across from him, his hands placed over the fire as he vigorously rubs them together in an attempt for warmth, they are only about half a days travel from the Dwarvern keep, Impulse's home in which he had killed his own best friend.

Keralis looks at the both of them, his eyes slowly drifting from one to the other as he wonders what they must be thinking. He wonders how Bdubs can sit here peacefully with the man who killed his brother.

The truth is he can't, he can't stand to look at Impulse, all he sees is Impulse standing over his body, his axe burried im his brothers chest as he pulls it out with a splatter of blood, a memory which has kept him awake through many nights.

"We should probably rest." Keralis says, taking a large final bite out of the meat in his hand, its juices flowing down his chin and dripping into the grass below.

"You're probably right. Bdubs, can you keep watch, please? im tired." Impulse asks while looking at him, noticing his eyes dart up to the two of them as if he hadn't been paying attention.

"Oh, uh, yeah, sure, I'll do that." He smiles with little knowledge of what he had agreed to. All he knew was that it disgusted him to blindly agree with the man in front of him.

"Thanks, bubbles! Alright, goodnight, both of you." Keralis says, waving a goodbye before disappearing into a small tent they had created, the light inside blowing away as he drifts off to sleep.

"Are you not going?" Bdubs asks, watching Impulse staying still, not moving an inch off of the small log he's positioned on.

"No, not yet, i need some time to think." Impulses smiles at him, Bdubs nodding back before looking down at his own hands.

Bdubs catches a shine coming from him. Impulse being a man in only yellow and black, it's odd to see a shimmer coming from him. He looks to where the light had come from spotting a fancy white dagger in his belt, seemingly untouched for a while.

He ignores it for a while before remembering where he had seen it before, a shocked look appearing on his face as he clears his throat. "Is that the dagger? you know, the one Joel used?" He asks, watching Impulse frown in front of him.

Impulse pulls it out, holding it lightly in his hand as he spots a small prick of blood on it, blood he had spilt. "It is, Martyn had dropped it during his eradication of the dwarves, and i used it to kill my own best friend." He puts on a fake smile before placing it back in his belt.

"Oh, that must've been tough. Are you okay?" Bdubs asks, finding himself genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of the man he had sworn to hate, the thought of him genuinely liking him driving him crazy.

"Better than ever, stuff like that just happens, i guess." He replies, putting his hands inside the pockets of his coat, His smile dropping occasionally.

Bdubs nods his head slightly with a loss for words. No man who had killed his own best friend and seen the eradication of his people would be even fractionally happy, yet he seems it. "Well, go get some rest. It's an important day tomorrow." Bdubs says with a soft smile towards Impulse.

"You're right, I'll head to sleep now. If you need me, wake me up." Impulse smiles before walking past Bdubs, looking back at him with a frown on his face. How can one man be so sweet to someone who killed his brother.

He heads into the same tent Keralis had. Finding himself laying down mindlessly, looking up at the roof. his hands making their way into one of his pockets, pulling out a small yellow clock he had placed inside and gripping it hard, a small inscribing on the side which read, Bdubs x Pungence

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