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You'd think thick stone walls would be able to hold back screams from inside the castle, but you would be wrong. Screams can be heard every couple of days, and nobody knows why. All people know is that Doc is the reason it's happening. From his section of the castle for his 'scientific purposes,' you hear blood curling screams that make you feel sick. Someone is being tortured in there, and Doc seems to enjoy the sound of it.

Doc writes a few notes on the piece of paper he has in front of him, as his ears are pierced by the screams of the chained up man metres in front of him, a man he has sentenced to endless torture just for his knowledge of mutated people, like himself.

"It'll all be over soon, Jevin, don't worry." He says with a smirk on his face, as the slime like man before him cries.

"You say that every time, let me go already!" Jevin shouts as he feels his right arm being pulled further than it should be, letting out a scream at the pain.

"I can't do that. Kings orders, im afraid." he continues ignoring the pain Jevin is in, noting down more and more useless information that no one will ever really read.

"I swear to god Doc." He says angrily, breathing heavily and unable to finish to sentence.

"Hm? what do you swear?" Doc asks, getting up close to him poking at his face.

"When this place falls. When you fall. When the king falls, i promise you Doc, I'll be there." He muttered, staring into Doc's eyes, admittedly scaring him a little bit.

"Il count on it." Doc replies seemingly unbothered and leaves the room before looking back at the man he just tortured.

When no one can see him anymore, he sighs. He doesn't enjoy torturing people, unlike what people believe. It disgusts him, especially his own kind, part of him hopes Jevin keeps true to his promise.

He walks back into the throne room, where he can, his stressed king and the even more stressed Kings hand.

"Doc, how's the research going?" Ren asks, having realised Doc had entered the room and having heard the screams like everyone else in the castle.

"Good, we're learning more. He seems to be in stage three of mutation." Doc replies, nodding his head with his notes by his side.

"Great, we're learning more, thank you." Ren nods his head as Doc leaves the room to most likely go home.

"My King, i brung him for you." False says, walking in with another man behind her, a seemingly nervous man.

"Ah, Keralis, good to see you." Bdubs says, smiling and waving at his friend.

"Bubbles!" Keralis shouts, waving back.

"Forget the niceties for a second. Someone broke inside the walls earlier. How." Ren asks in a serious tone, wiping the smiles of Bdubs' and Keralis' faces.

"I don't know, my king, i designed those walls perfectly. There's no way anyone could have broken in." Keralis states, throwing his arms up.

"Well, someone did, and someone probably will again review the wall plan and figure it out, Keralis." Bdubs says in a way that makes Keralis think he's done wrong.

"Yes, sir." Keralis says upset before turning around and leaving, not waiting to be permitted to leave.

"Wait, ke -" Bdubs tries to catch up to his friend before Ren stops him.

"Leave him. If he thinks we're disappointed, he'll figure out the problem." He says, only getting a sigh as a response.

Keralis starts to walk back to his home, looking up at the walls he put so much effort into creating the impenetrable walls, at least that's what they've been called since they were upgraded nine years ago.

Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)Where stories live. Discover now