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"My king, Stratos, has responded. They would be happy to meet today." Bdubs says, walking up to Ren, who is sitting with Cub.

"Good, you, Hypno, Wels and Cub will come with me to Stratos. Right now, get the horses ready." Ren says quickly, standing up and putting his drink down.

"What? Me?" Cub says, shocked by the fact Ren is bringing him and slightly annoyed.

"Yes, you, now hurry up." Ren says, walking out to clean himself up.

"Hold on, before you go, Mumbo is at the castle entrance waiting for you. He'd like to talk. It's urgent, he says." Bdubs catches up to Ren to alert him.

"Fine." Ren says, sighing before walking to the front of the castle, where Mumbo is standing

"My King, i have urgent news." He says seemingly in a hurry, with Ren beckoning him to hurry up and tell him.

"It's about the -" He gets cut off by an arrow landing right next to his feet, causing guards to rush to their side, pushing all of them inside the castle in seconds.

"What was that!" Mumbo shouts, standing behind a few guards as the gate to the castle close.

"Did someone just try to assasinate you?" Bdubs asks a frightened Mumbo.

"I think so. Find out who did this immediately!" Ren demands, shouting at the men around him.

Mumbo backs up against a wall, trying to regain to his composure, which is difficult if you've just had an arrow land at your feet, before he thinks hes figured it out, the only person who would try kill him would be Xb, it has to be him!

"i know who did it!" he shouts, coming back into the conversation.

"Who?" They all ask directing their attention to him.

"It was Xb, it has to be, he knows who the mutated boy was and he's keeping me from telling you." Mumbo tells them, pulling the gold coin out his pocket and tossing it to Cub.

Cub looks down on it, seeing his reflection in the clear gold before gripping it hard.

"Whats this?" he asks, seemingly angry.

"I got paid not to tell anyone who the boy was, but i swore an oath. Money can't change that."

"Find Xb, take him straight to me to be questioned, and we'll find out who the boy is from him." Ren commands his men, who leave the castle to search for Xb.

"Thank you for telling us Mumbo, you are truly a loyal man." Ren says, leaving with him to go to another room, leaving Cub and Bdubs alone.

"So Bdubs, can i ask? Why do you serve as the kings hand?" Cub asks, confused as to why he'd ever agree.

"Because im loyal to dogwarts, and i always will be, that's why." Bdubs dismisses his question before turning away.

"But what about your family? They can't be happy with that, considering what your king did to them." Cub asks, stopping Bdubs in his tracks.

"The king did what he had to do. I trust what he did." Bdubs turns his head with tears in his eyes.

"He doesn't even know, does he?" Cub keeps provoking him, waiting for him to snap.

"No, he doesn't, i never told him, why should i, he banished them all, my brother, my father and my mother, im the only one here now." He shouts, walking straight up to Cub.

"Let's just hope he doesn't find out then." Cub whispers in his ear, dropping the gold coin Mumbo gave him into his hand and walking away.

Bdubs can't help but throw the coin straight back at him, hitting him on the back of his head, but Cub doesn't stop. He leaves, still ignoring it.

Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ