Duty or Pride

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"Where do we go, Ren? we have five hundred men and no kingdom!" Hypno asks, riding next to Ren, looking over to his king who is lost in thought.

Suddenly, Ren's head flies up, an idea appearing in his mind as he looks over to Hypno with a smile on his face, "Dogwarts wasn't the only castle we have, after the war i kept one other castle, the crastle, being held by a good friend of mine." He says quickly before riding forward in haste.

Hypno looks over to Python, who shrugs before following close behind, riding through blood-stained trees, unsure of where they are going.

"I see light!" Impulse shouts, holding his hand over his eyes, looking out through the sewer tunnel, which leads to the shore behind dogwarts.

"Really!" Keralis shouts, pushing past him, a smile on his face as the sun shines on him.

"Bubbles, we're here!" He shouts to Bdubs, who walks up behind the two of them.

"Finally." He says, sighing and walking past the two of them, climbing down onto the sand below him with a bright smile on his face.

"Yeah, we're here, but so are whoever that is." Impulse says, pointing out into the water, where more ships than anyone could count were sailing right in their direction.

Bdubs stands up slowly, walking to the edge of the water, trying to get an idea of who is sailing for them, but the banners are unrecognisable.

"There's at least a hundred of them." Keralis says, walking up next to Bdubs, fear in his eyes as the ships draw closer.

"And im assuming they aren't out friends, so let's get out of here." Impulse says quickly, dragging Bdubs and Keralis by the arms along the shore away from the walls.

Keeping their backs against the rocky cliffs to keep out of sight of guards watching from the walls, getting caught now would mean death, and the three of them know that.

"What are we even going to do once we escape? Where do we go?" Bdubs asks, slipping on a rock and nearly falling down the side of the cliff they are scaling.

Impulse grabs his shoulders, pulling him back against the cliff and keeping him steady, "The dwarvern keep, or we find Ren, anywhere that isn't these walls is fine with me." He says, patting Bdubs on the chest and continuing to walk forward.

Bdubs stands still, slightly shocked at how aggressive Impulse is, something he's not used to in the years of knowing him.

Keralis gets close to him, making sure to whisper in his ears so Impulse can't hear, "Remember, he lost his best friend in this war, to Cub." He says, placing his hand on Bdubs' waist and slowly pushing him forward.

Cub pushes the doors of the throne room open, the room dispensed of all bodies and wipes of the blood, yet the smell lingers all the same, looking around to the room that belongs to him now, the one goal hes known his entire life and now he has taken it.

Sure, he had questionable ways of gaining the crown he now has, but it is his destiny, his purpose, the reason he was shipped across the seas and is now the king of Dogwarts.

He walks around the council table with a large smirk on his face, taking in a deep breath as he reaches the throne. It feels like a fever dream. He started a war, caused the destruction of the dwarves and betrayed his best friend to sit where he is now, and to him, it was all worth it.

The door opens back up behind him, as Xisuma walks in with his helm down. False and Doc beside him, making their way to the chairs assigned to them as his new council, finding many seats empty.

"Im sorry, it seems we are missing some members of this council, Xisuma, send some men to escort Mumbo, Impulse, Bdubs, and Keralis to this table if you will." Cub asks with a smile on his face, a smile which drops when Xisuma doesn't move.

Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)Where stories live. Discover now