Liverpool V Arsenal

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She offered me a plain good morning, as the bus was filled with girls who enjoyed eavesdropping a little too much.

Emily and Lotte sat in front of us, the only thing separating us four being the table of the bus.

Leah took my hand in hers from under the table. It sent shivers down my spine. I tried to play it off, still squeezing her hand in mine gently, showing her I enjoyed the physical contact.

The bus ride to Liverpool, a three-hour drive, suddenly didn't seem so long.
As the landscape passed by in a blur, the subtle connection between Leah and me grew stronger. Emily and Lotte chatted animatedly, seemingly oblivious to the quiet exchange transpiring in front of them.

Leah's thumb traced gentle patterns on my hand, a silent conversation that spoke volumes. We could have been talking, at least about the game. But the silence felt so good. Occasional glances and exchanged smiles were enough.

When the bus finally rolled to a stop in Liverpool, Leah reluctantly let go of my hand. I instantly felt cold without her touch.

Leah was the only thing that had managed to distract me from football in twenty years.

Liverpool's atmosphere enveloped us as we stepped off the bus, the cityscape alive with anticipation for the upcoming match. The familiar routine of pre-game preparations took over, and Leah and I navigated through the bustling energy of the stadium.

As we entered the locker room, the focus shifted entirely to the game ahead. Coach Jonas laid out the strategic plan, emphasizing the significance of securing a win against Liverpool. The intensity in the air was palpable, each player immersed in the collective goal of victory. I was in the starting eleven. It surprised me, but I was very excited about it.

"Now, before we go into warm-up, I would like for everyone to wish Valentina a happy birthday. She is new to the club, but she made friends with everyone very easily, she's a very good player. So, happy birthday, Valentina." Coach Jonas said, and I blemished a little at his words. I knew people would eventually know it was my birthday. I'm pretty sure the club had posted about it on Instagram already. Didn't make it any better, I still hated my birthday.

The combination of surprise and embarrassment colored my cheeks, but the genuine warmth in the voices of my teammates as they wished me a happy birthday made the moment more endearing.

Leah, sitting beside me, offered a cheeky grin, whispering, "Happy birthday, California," before every one of the girls individually took me in their arms.

After the brief celebration, we transitioned into the pre-match rituals. The buzz of anticipation heightened as we stepped onto the field for warm-up. The chilly air of Liverpool's stadium served as a stark reminder of the task at hand.

There was a pretty good crowd today, and the away corner was filled with Arsenal supporters, having certainly driven for hours to get here and support us. And they sang louder than the rest of the crowd. One of the main reasons why I was in love with Arsenal.

I focused on my warm-up, making sure I was ready for a possible 90-minute match. Leah started on the bench, which was sad. I wished she was with me on the pitch. But I understood. Putting her health in jeopardy wasn't the way to go.

The referee's whistle echoed through the stadium, signaling the start of the match. The intensity of the game unfolded on the pitch, with every girl giving it their all. The first half ended in a draw, with Liverpool attacking a few times, and their defense being a solid block, keeping me and the other attackers from reaching the goal, which made me extremely frustrated.

One day I'll have it all. // WilliamsonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat