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Riza: what?!.
Then you explained everything about Anushka.
Riza: you're too dumb..
Y/n: why??.

Riza: look.. you came Riyaz's life first not she.. okay?!. Believe me he loves you more than his life..
Y/n: no dii. He doesn't love me.
Riza: okay okay.. time will say the truth..

Riza gone from there.. you don't know what you should do .. suddenly you got a call from Riyaz after two days.. your heart started beating faster.. which you never felt before.. you received that call..

Y/n: hello..
Rii: open the window..
Y/n: what?!
Rii: open faster damn it.. mosquitoes are biting me..
You ran and opened the window..
Y/n: what are you doing here.. and it is 12 am..

Riyaz didn't say anything and look at you for sometimes.. and went to your room.. after getting relaxable he said..

Rii: y/niee.. I think we should get married..
Y/n: Are you okay Riyaz?! This is marriage not a game..
Rii: yeah I know but..
Y/n: what..
Rii: listen y/n now whole city knows that Liton Aly's son is married with y/D's daughter.. if we won't get married it will become the biggest issue in their business career. My dad.. your dad will get many hates from people.. are you getting my point..
Y/n: Riyaz. you know what are you saying..
Rii: we don't have any choice..

You both kept silent for sometimes..
But you broke the silence and said..

Y/n: Riyaz.. don't you love Anushka?!
Rii: y/n.. I don't love her. That was just an attraction.. I thought about it on two days.  If I loved her I couldn't become happy after hearing her wedding news..
Y/n: so you got happy after hearing her wedding news..

Rii: it's not like that.. but I didn't become sad that much how much I should become.. I'm going.. and please think about it.. we don't have any other option

*He gone from the window how he came*

Y/n pov:

Today is our wedding.. the arrangement of the wedding ceremony is huge. Because many people are invited to this party.. not only our relatives but also the business partners of my papa's. Riyaz dad's. And the media is also present there. Many people are asking them many questions...

Media: sir.. we got to know that.. y/n and Riyaz are married before..
R/d: yes. But we didn't publish that news.. because they are studying.. but whenever the news got published we made the decision to arrange their wedding ceremony hugely...

Media: is this love marriage or arrange marriage..
Y/D: we can't say this love marriage or arrange marriage.. in the consent of them we get them married off..

And also many types of questions they are making.. but my papa and Riyaz's dad are answering all questions comfortably.. but I couldn't become comfortable.  I don't know why but this feeling is different.

He is my best friend but I never felt this type of feelings about him. He is sitting right by my side.. the marriage is not completed.. today I had to wear a heavy lahenga and heavy make-up.

That's why I'm feeling more uncomfortable. we are not looking at each other.. I don't know why but I don't want to look at him.  But suddenly the photographer started commenting on him

Photographer: bro she is your wife not mine. Look at her otherwise I can't take any good photos of you..

To the force of the photographer he had to look at me.. I also realized that he is also feeling uncomfortable like me..  after looking at me his eyes widened.. he is still looking at me.

I don't know why but today I also wanted to look at him and I want to flow in his eyes like I can do it forever.

Photographer: bro.. done.. now you can do your job which you are doing before.. looking at the floor..
Rii: get out from here I'm doing my job.. *he said still looking at me.*

But we didn't break our eye contact..
Suddenly a laughing sound reached us..
We broke eye contact when we heard that sound.. there was Riza dii and Anushka who were laughing at us..

Riza: So y/n you call this friendship.. *laughing*

Anushka: how mean you guys.. you didn't tell me that you're married.. but I guessed you are in relationship.. and it is truth.. *laughing*
Riza: no. Anushka.  They are just friends. *laughing*
Y/n: oh come on dii.. don't tease me..

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