Symbol Of Strength

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Oh mighty symbol of strength
A beacon of hope and light
With an aura that shines so bright
You guide us through the darkest length

Your presence fills us with courage
And banishes all our fears
For in you, we find the power to persevere
And overcome any challenge that we must face

You are a source of inspiration
For those who are struggling and weak
With your unwavering determination
You show us that we can achieve

In times of turmoil and despair
You stand tall and unyielding
A reminder that we should never give in
But keep moving forward with a brave heart

Your symbol is etched in our minds
A reminder of our inner strength
For when we look upon you
We are reminded of what we can achieve

Through the storms and raging seas
You remain steadfast and true
A symbol of resilience and fortitude
That we all strive to imbue

In moments of doubt and hesitation
You are the voice that whispers
Believe in yourself and push through
For you are stronger than you know

You are the embodiment of triumph
A symbol of all that is bold and brave
For you have weathered the toughest storms
And emerged victoriously, standing tall and unscathed

Oh, how we look upon you with admiration
For you are the epitome of strength
A symbol of hope and determination
That guides us through life's length

So let us all embrace your symbol
And carry it within our hearts
For with you, by our side
We can conquer any challenge that comes our way

Oh mighty symbol of strength
May your light forever shine
And may we all be inspired
To be warriors, just like you, in our own time

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