The New Guy and Bill Talk

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A/N- Art by Vimse on Tumblr

The next day, you and Tech get ready for work. As you drive to the garage, you remember Tech asking about when your last oil change was. He chuckles when you ask him about it.

"I already did that yesterday, mesh'la, after I got my computer. You need to be better about your vehicle maintenance." Your face heats up with the admonishment. You know he is right.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just don't always think about it. Thank you, though, for doing that for me. I appreciate it." You smile warmly at Tech as you pull up to the shop. Tech leans over the center console and gives you a kiss, his hand cupping your face.

"You are welcome. I want to do a few more maintenance things to the vehicle when I have time. Luckily, Gary has offered up his help with that. He has offered to have us over for dinner sometime, to meet his family,  and I can use his garage and tools." You nod and lean back in for a quick kiss. "That is kind of him. We should do that sometime soon. I hope you have a good day."

Tech kisses you once more and gets out of the truck, wishing you a good day as well. You drive the couple of miles to your work. Once you are settled at your desk, Nan comes to talk with you.

"How is everything now that Tech is legal?" You turn your attention to your boss. "Good. Tech has decided that he wants to do computer programming, so he put in his two weeks with Tony at the shop." Nan hums. "I imagine Tony is not happy with that, but I don't blame Tech for picking the higher paying job. Do you still plan on living together?"

You are taken aback by that question. You and Tech are together as a couple, so you didn't see why you wouldn't be living together. Of course, if Tech hadn't just appeared in this universe and had been living on his own, then you probably would've waited on moving in with each other.

"Yes. I mean, there's really no point in him moving out with how rent is these days. My lease will be up in a couple months, so maybe we might think of getting a two-bedroom place or something, but we haven't really talked about that yet. Why do you ask?"

"I just want to know if you have talked about it. I want to make sure that you are going to be OK and that he is going to help contribute. You don't need him mooching off of you." While you know she is just making sure you're okay, you get a little annoyed.

"Tech is not like that. He's not the type of person to mooch off of anyone. Hell, he made sure to pay me back for everything that I bought for him when he won that poker tournament." You sigh. "I know you're just trying to look out for me. I promise everything is good. Tech and I will talk about things." Nan stares at you for a long moment, deciding you are telling the truth.

"I just want you to be careful, that's all. You know I love you like my own daughter, and I have to make sure you're okay. For what it's worth, I know Tech is a good egg. I just gotta make sure he treats you right." Nan comes over and gives you a hug, then retreats to her office.

You grab out your phone and write yourself a note to talk to Tech later about your current and future living arrangements, as well as his contributions to things like rent and food. The door chimes and your next patient arrives for their appointment.

Tech is working on a old jeep when he gets called into Tony's office. He grabs a cloth to clean off his hands before he opens the door. Tony waves at him to sit down next to another man whom Tony had been interviewing.

"This is Troy. He will be starting today." Tech turns and nods in his direction. "Troy, this is Tech, you will be replacing him in a couple weeks time. He will show you around the garage." Troy sticks his hand out for Tech to shake. "Nice to meet you."

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